Howdi Ho Peeperinos,
The Definition of Anna
A - Adventurer who likes to explore the world (cities to date: Paris, Amsterdam, Zürich, London, KL, Jakarta)
N - Nutter who is weirdly clumsy (walks into things, drops things, breaks things unintentionally) and has few personal idiosyncrasies which are somewhat humorous (I have to name things and I hate foam)
N - Nice... well I think I am nice; I love people, I love animals, I am man's best friend ;) loyal and loving.
A - Anna-ish - the definition of "Anna-ish" is someone who smiles too much, talks a lot and too fast, gets VERY excited about things easily, goes gah gah over doggies and the like. Ready to try anything and everything (incl. anything edible, phsyically strenuous, mentally challenging etc.)
(*) The problem with having such a short boring name like "Anna" is that I only have "A" and "N" to work with.. so there IS more interesting facets about Anna which is not covered, due to staying true "fun-ness" of this activity.
Overall Gist of Anna's 2006
Well this year has gone extremely fast. In the work department, this year I have continued my job at BankWest in the Tower working as a customer sanctioning officer for their home loans. I have also luckily picked up another casual job at Calverley Johnston Lawyers on Adelaide Terrace after getting 2 weeks work experience with them in July. Just recently, (as in 2 weeks ago) I have gotten a job at
Uni life as been the same old. I have just finished my 3rd year in Law, and I have 1 and a half years left to go. Unfortunately "my kind" are slowly becoming extinct as more and more of the "2003 freshies" are graduating and are leaving the dry and barren
No travels this year... (again) *sigh* But I still have a serious case of travel bug. To mitigate this contagious and forever lasting condition, I have gone on mini get away trips. In February this year Will n I along with Adrian and Chia Hui went to Busselton for 3 nights.. which was very good for chillin, tennis playin, and beach loving times = D. It also happenend to fall on Valentines Day, which, to my surprise, ended up being a bigger day than expected.
Will being Will (I wont go into the definition of being William-ish) he had agreed with me to get each other something "small". I had proudly bought him a very nice, moderate size box of chocolates. I had presented him with the present thinking:
"Ha! I know we agreed on small, but I decided to be a little more flamboyant"
Will then handed over a red envelope from Hallmark. (I love cards so I was already really appreciative) But, to my amazement it was more than just a cute valentines card... out slid 2 tickets to IL DIVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In short, I went CRAZY!
The Il Divo Concert was FAN-SPANKING-TASTIC!!!
They was awesome live... the voices... OoOhH SoO GOOD.
What can I say, they are good, and they are Hot... Felt bad for Will though.. as it turned out, that not only I was totally taken away by Il Divo that night. But so was his Mom and Aunt... He was surrounded by Il Divo Lovers...
Songs Sung:
Solo Otra Vez
Nella Fantasia
Pour Que Tu Me'Aimes Encore
I Believe in You
Senza Catene
Everytime I Look At You
Si Tu Me Amas
A Mi Manera
I also dragged Will to the opera to see "Madama Butterfly" which was beautiful. The sets and costumes, the music... (though it was very difficult to believe that a middle aged Aussie Woman was a 15 year old Japanese girl...)
Umm... what else... AH! we did City to Surf...2006 - The year of 21sts
Week after week, month after month it has been parties here and dinners there. Will had his 21st birthday at Joy Garden where we drank Moet (Very very nice) and Hennessy XO (Very very strong potent stuff). I bought him the very elusive, and very sexy Mont Blanc 100 Year Starwalker Pen as coming of age present. When I saw it, I knew that it was very "William-ish." The the uni crew bought him his beloved black ipod which you can never see him without.
My 21st was at my place themed "Hawaiian Summer" which was pretty laid back and somehow turned out to be VERY Hawaiian = D. I just loved seeing everyone there, uni friends, the Craigie Crew, and the 3 Musketeers together again. Weather was a winder than had hoped, but at least the on going tradition of my parties has lived on. A party that I throw at my place is just not right unless someone has walked through the flyscreen. This year I was lucky as Matt, Christophe were the first to walk into it, and my Dad deciding to join in on the fun later on in the night.
*Sigh* Christmas has come and gone, and hey presto I celebrated the coming of 2007 at Wills place with a couple of friends...
So I'll sign out now, as this is getting too long... and I wish you all a Great 2007!