Sunday, April 27, 2008
A valuable experience for sure.

I didn't really know what to expect from visiting WA's male maximum security prison. I didn't know what they were willing to show a group of law students. But... man did my flight/fight responses get a work out.

They started off the tour with showing us the visiting centre. They showed us where prisoners would have their contact visits. A table with the prisoner sitting on one side, and his visitors on the other. We were told that the prisoners wear a grey tracksuit when they are out seeing visitors, once they finish with the visit, they have to change back into their green tracksuits. I think this is for security purposes as well as ID purposes. Like... since they change tracksuits, it prevents the prisoner from bringing things from inside the prison to the visitor, and like wise, prevents the prisoner being able to bring things from the outside back into the prison. ID wise, any prisoner that is wearing green and is outside of the prison, obviously is not supposed to be there.

After that we were taken to the "inside" part of the prison where we were shown where the prisoner's wait to be taken outside to the visitor's centre. When we walked in, there were some men in green tracksuits handling the exchange of greens and greys...I was like "woah... they are actual prisoners... and they are standing only a few metres away from us." Little did I know at the time that this was not going to be the first and closest interaction we would have with them.

We were taken into the grounds of the prison, they showed us the infirmary, the cells, the kitchen, laundry, different living blocks around the prison. It was an eye opener for sure. The prisoners are the ones who are in the kitchen cooking the meals (and decent meals!) They were also the ones doing the laundry... its quite similar to what you see on Prison Break. Only... a lot less darker and gloomy. It is interesting how prisoners get an allowance, and from that they have to pay for their food etc. Meals are about 2 bucks each... and as I mentioned before the meals are quite decent! They have to pay for phone calls and other items (eg magazines, chips etc)

Sensory overload... every time we were walking pass or standing near prisoners (which was a lot of the time) I was on my guard. Its amazing what a label can do to your opinion of a person. there was a little incident where when we had just walked into the central grounds of the prison where there were a few wolf whistles coming from one of the living quarters. there was no one on the grounds at the time, but they could see us from their cells...I kinda sent a shiver down my "omg... its really like that?"

There was another time when we were walking to another living block, and we walked down this path where there was a fence on both sides. Some prisoners approached the fence and started to talk to us, asking "where you guys from?" "what are you doing here?" "oh coming in to join us?" I thought I'd would have been pretty brave, would have walked with my head up high or looked them in the eye. But I wasn't. I walked pass them with my head down, or I just looked forward. I was...pretty confused as to how to respond to them, and DO I respond to them? My friend Andrew did. He told them we were law students, and some of them responded with a "Aw! so when I get out of here, I might see you when I need some free advice."

Overall these guys get a lot of autonomy during the day. They can do what they want really, wonder where ever they want. But they are dictated what to eat, where to eat, where to shower and when to leave and stay within their cells. Like I said before, it was not as gloomy or dark as what I had expected, if anything else, it looks like a cool boarding school. But nevertheless, it is still a prison, your freedoms are taken away, and you have to live among criminals. What I was curious about was, whether there was all the dark silent violence that you see on Prison Break or Shawshank Redemption... I didn't really ask.

Things like re offending seemed to be an issue. Which made me realise that even though the Prison system is seen to be a chance for the criminal to be rehabilitated, it seems that the prison system fails to do so. Our tour guide said things like "You see them in here and then released, 2 years later, they are back here," and "You see a prisoner in here, years later you will see his son, its a family business." I may be just an idealistic law student, but it appears that the prison system is flawed in its attempts to rehabilitate the criminal in order to live within society once they leave... I Guess this then leads into my criminology assignment...which I should really get a start on... since I am all rev'ed up to go since I started writing this blog entry.

I am grateful for the opportunity to see the Prison. Visitors don't get the chance to see this. Lawyers only see the conference rooms. But here, I was able to walk through the grounds of the prison. See where they ate, slept, where they go to work. I got to walk among them and be scared out of my wits as a prisoner would have felt if they had just entered the prison for the first time. There is a high level of stress in that prison. You are always on you guard. Despite the fact that they can feed themselves decent meals for about 6 bucks a day, have free medical care (if you have a heart attack, the state pays), no rent to pay, and tafe and university education available at hand... the mere fact that your in this place is bad enough, and I would never want to step foot in such a place.

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posted by anna at 11:17 AM | 17 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
This is strange... this phenomenon.

I had started to realise my friends in my China List on MSN started having (L) China in thier nicknames. I didn't really think much of it at first. I just thought that they legitimately loved China.

But as I was studying, Quentin messaged me on MSN and said: "put (L) China in ur msn... it is for the olympic games."

*DING!* Lightbulb appeared and I realised that this (L) China was not just an expression of my friends' love for the country, but as it turns out it is some sort of youth political response to all the negative coverage of China from the news.

I still am not sure as where I stand on the issue politically. I just fully (L) China at the moment, and I am excited about the olympic games.

I doubt that this (L) China will make any difference. I think it would be just as effective as (L) Australia on Austalia day, or when Australia beat Japan in the Fifa World Cup in 2006.

But... if you want more on this interesting... youth cultural movement have a look at this link:

It seems to explain it pretty well.

(L) China Anna ^^

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posted by anna at 10:40 PM | 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008

祝你生日快乐 Mich!!!!! = D - Happy Birthday!!!

Last night was Mich's 21st birthday bash, and it was a pretty awesome night! It great to catch up with the China gang all over again! It has been a while since we had all been together!!!

I hastly packed my stuff in order to meet Julie in Claremont. I had to take the trains... so since I was a Northie... it took a while! But once there... it was good again! Jules and I went to the bottleshop and bought el cheapo alcohol! Jules bought some good old passion pop (which actually tasted better than what I remembered it to taste like) and I bought some el cheapo red wine.

We then dropped of some decorations for the MSU river cruise at the Jetty then sped to Mich's place to get ready. We had a little navigation problems... but it was ok in the end! When we entered, AWW! It was great to see Rhianna, Manuel and Birand again! I was so surprised to see them because I had forgotten that they would be there at Mich's place! Throughout the night I was like in awe that they were actually here! I couldn't believe it!!! It was... sooo surreal! Like I never really expected to see them again. ^___^

Anyways... we all got ready mega quick and headed out to Jade Dynasty. The banquet was pretty awesome... it started with... 北京烤鸭! (Beijing Duck). AWWWW *drool* it tasted soo good! It was good to taste it again! We also had some... lettuce wrap thingos with the duck meat, and other dishes... which I cannot really remember. I know there was a vegie dish, there was a chicken dish (chicken had really crispy skin) and there was a fish dish too.

Afterwards, we went to utopia to have our cheap drinks and then we went to Metros! *augh* metros again... but hey. We were already a little tipsy... so it was good again! It was really cool hanging out again with the China gang again! It was pretty fun! Mich in particular had a VERY good time... and we left around 2.30ish. The funniest thing happened in the taxi though. After we were trying to describe to the taxi driver where to go... Mich then says "Xie xie!" We all just lost it! it was soo random especially since the taxi driver was not chinese. The taxi driver then replies with "Xie xie ni!" hahahah how gold!!!! = D

Anywho... yea... a pretty awesome night I must say! Made extra special since we have our guests from over east! = D

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posted by anna at 2:43 PM | 0 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008

When did Art become cruel and repugnant?

Ok... I am a pretty tolerant person. I understand that Art is a vice where people can express certain emotions, feelings, explore issues that push the boundaries of what is conservative by social definition.

But... when I recieved this email from the Voiceless Animals Association about the so called "Artist" Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, I was just shocked and disgusted on how far some people are willing to push the boundaries in the name of art.

It has been alleged that some time last year Habacuc had approached and paid children to chase and capture an abandoned dog. He then took the dog and tied it up to a wall at an art gallery in Managua. He then left the dog there, in the art gallery with no food or water. He left it there for people to walk by to look and watch the dog die. This is what he called as "art."

What is most concerning is that the Central American Biennial exhibition is considering his "art" and has invited him to repeat his "art" at the 2008 Biennial in Hondras.

What can we do about it? Sign a petition!!!! Go to the link below or click here.

Ive signed it... and if you find this repulsive, and question whether this is 'art' please sign it too!!!

Does these photos capture any essence of art? Looks like cruelty to me.

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posted by anna at 10:02 AM | 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Heya all...
I thought I'd share with you some of my technological advancements.

1. My new homepage.

This home page is pretty sick... I love it. It is powered by Google and what it is, it allows you to add all these applications, and feeds that you look at almost every day on one simple page.

Eg. I have the news, I have my gmail, I have the weather, time and feeds from other sites. Its really cool! Plus my tool bar is soooo adorable. You can customise your toolbar by choosing what they have to offer. But my one, is kinda cool in that... it changes through out the day. So in the morning, the fox is eating breakfast, or picking the mandarins, then he has lunch, then hes washing his clothes, then hes feeding the ducks or rowing across the river. He then has dinner outside his house... its soo cute!

2. My blogger now has RSS feed.

Sooo if you scroll down my blog on the bottom of the menu you can click and subscribe to my blogger. Choose whatever feed your most likley to use.An example of both of these technological coolness are shown in the screenie here:


posted by anna at 3:23 PM | 2 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Aaaawww... this was such a great performance! So glad that I did not miss out on it! I would have really regretted it if I did!

Our seats were mega awesome. It was close to the stage and in the middle! HehEHEe... the fact that they were merely $35 made it even sweeter!

I must say... It took a while for me to get used to it. It has been a while since I've seen a stage performance. But yea... once the 3rd/4th song was on, I was totally submerged into the story! The actors had great voices... the guys (Chris and James) had a real "masculine" presence on stage. Kim (the "Miss Saigon") had such a beautiful voice. It sounded sweet, young, innocent.

Similarities to Madame Butterfly

The story was quite interesting. Very similar to Madame Butterfly. Except in this story, it appears that Chris genuinely loved Kim, as opposed to B.F Pinkerton's feelings towards Cio-Cio San. In both stories there is a suitor for Kim/Cio-cio San. In both stories I think the audience can see that if she had decided to stay with the suitor Thuy/Prince Yamadori, then she would have had a comfortable yet ordinary life. I think the beauty of the characters of Kim/Cio-Cio san is their absolute love and faith for their foreign lovers. That against all odds they are willing to commit themselves for an extraordinary life for themselves or inevitably for their sons.

I feel bad for them... mainly because... I have a feeling that I would do the same thing, and the thing is almost based on principle and feelings rather than rationale thought. Like seriously... will you ever see them again? Seriously... will they come back for you? Sadly... most cases... no. Your just a summer fling that happened yesterday.

Other than that sad note.... it was a beautiful show! Bring on more musicals!!! Bring on Phantom of the Opera!!! When will it ever come to PERTH!??!?!??!

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posted by anna at 12:30 PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Well... at the moment I am very proud! I have scored tickets to see "Miss Saigon" at a hell cheapo price of $35!!!!

I've been dying to see the show... but tickets were a bit pricey... and being either asian or poor student, I rationalised with myself that I wasn't going to go...

UNTIL... I looked in the papers today and saw! Wed 1pm show... $35 for concession tickets! *CHA-CHING!*

aaand... I got siiiick seats! Row K seats 16 and 17! kinda near the front and kinda near the middle!

So now I am going with my Mom! Whoopieeee!!! = )

So... is that me being Asian? or being poor bummy student... Im leaning towards poor bummy student... ^__-


posted by anna at 10:44 AM | 0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
hehHEhe... it has been a while since I've had a good day of randomness! And yesterday was the day to break that!

It was also the day where it friggin 下雨!! (rained) I couldnt believe my ears in the morning when I heard the roaring thunder... I was like...

"no friggin way..."

*second thought*


*rolled over and went to sleep again*

Anywho... eventually made my way to uni... was going to meet up with what was left of our friends at uni for luncheon at 12. So yea... I was getting my 学习 (study) on... well as much as I could possibly do. (I have been lacking the heart lately. Just being half assed. Like right now, I am supposed to be listening to my employment law lecture... but the lecture keeps cutting out... and for like 1 hour I've been attempting to listen to the rest of it... but I've given up. Anywho. yea... eventually 12 came around so I left the law library and headed to the tav.

It was still raining! It was like winter!!! Yorma had a great idea for some yum cha! It was cold, grey, wet and miserable... sooo perfect! So Adrian, Kean, Yorma and I went to Joy Garden. (Oh yea... Adrian bumped into Charlene, whilst on the way to meet us, and she was gonna come with, but she had class at 1pm = ( )

Anywho... yum cha was pretty fun. Pretty good catch up. Interesting conversations... LOL I think the thing that stands out was... the FAILS! Yes... the fails.. it started with poor old Adrian. He was being such a gentleman... he offered to share the fried seaweed roll thingo (yea... i got no idea what the name is) so he took his 筷子 (Chopsticks) and started "cutting" in in half, until we hear this *SNAAAP!* LOL Yorma and Keans face said it all!!! Adrian was there looking at the uncut seaweed roll and his chopstick that had been snapped into half! (HrmMm whats in that seaweed roll?) LOL was gold!!!

The second fail... was perpetrated by me... yes... mee... *sigh* I've always used chopsticks frequently and in China you would have thought that I would have obtained ultimate chopstick skills... but no... I went to take the ... (yea... shit... i dont know the name of this dish either) the dish where its like a wet spring roll kinda thing, but inside it is only prawns and it is drizzled with soy sauce... (really, have I learned ANYTHING in china?!?!?) yea... as I was bringing it over to my plate, *BLOINK!* a piece of it fell nicely into my friggin tea!!!!!!!!!!!! >___< left =" (" size="4"> 买单 (Bill) hehehe you'll never see this when you go for yum cha.

Anyway afterwards I returned to uni for some good study. I then get a call from the UWA sports centre saying that our soccer game had been cancelled as the other team forefeited because they had a graduation to go to. I let Adrian know becasue he said he might have come to watch us after his hiphop class and karate. He then smsed me back asking whether I wanted to join him for dancing... I was like HrmMM... well if I went.. I would stay back at uni, and study more... So I agreed, despite wearing the most unappriopiate clothing for it. (Jeans, thongs).

Was a really good decision though! I had heaps of fun! = ) I think I preferred the dance here rather than the sat classes (the one Chia Hui and I went to) It was more... popping and locking... less smooth... the Sat class was a lot more like usher style I think. But yea... unfortunately I can't continue it regularly... no time... no moola... *sigh*. Adding to the randomness... We actually came in a little late. So we just ran to the back. Adrian was in the back row, I was in the second back row... I get a tap on my shoulder and theres Amy! Adrian had plonked himself right next to her! hHEHEhe! Random!!!

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posted by anna at 7:22 PM | 1 comments