Monday, July 28, 2008
我的身肢不喜欢我!下星期我的身体不好! 因为星期一我吃过东西,以后我有胃痛!所以都下星期我不高兴。可是我到去过我的工作。

My Body hates me! Last week my health was baaaad! Because on Monday I hate something and afterwards I had a stomach ache, so all of last week I was not happy, but I still went to work.

LOL my attempts at Chinese. help.

But yes. Last week was terrible. I had serious case of food poisoning that did not go away. I toughed it out though. I went to work because I knew we had quite a lot to do for our discovery and it was due really soon. But the whole time, I felt like shit, and I felt really unproductive and sad at work, and last week was the mother of stressful weeks. I was sick, had Chinese class at Tafe on Tuesday and Thursday night, and I had article applications due on the Friday which I had not started due to being super busy. It was a terrible week.

What did I eat? well I thought it was some bad Thai chili that I added to my food for lunch and dinner coz i LOVE hot food. But after living with the food poisoning for a whole week, on Friday I made an appointment at work to see a Dr. at 9.30am in the city. (Some random dooude). I told him my current situation, and he said that it appears to be some bacterial infection, to which antibiotics could cure. He then asked me whether I was allergic to anything... I said... "hrmMm Yes... Flagyl I think..." I went on to explain that I when I took Flagyl I could not eat, everything tasted like metal (even my saliva! (which was horrible!!! couldn't drink water.. nothing) He kinda went "HrmM" and then said "Well here's Fasigyn, it is related to Flagyl, but it is not the same. It should be alright as you are only taking it once off."

He told me my stomach would be better by the next day. So I took it (all four pills in one shot, as instructed) Hopefully I would be able to go out to dinner and Ktv with Will and his work mates. Hours later... MEGA FAIL! I started going weird at work. I felt soo out of it. Stressed about the job at hand, but feeling shit. My mouth started drying up, and having the weird metallic taste... Was not a happy camper. So I piked on Dinner and Ktv with Will to rest.

Saturday. Woke up feeling better.
stomach? - FINE!
Overall feeling - SHE'S BACK!
So I spent the beautiful day with Will were we went to Hillarys and I was able to eat half a steak burger.(FOOOOOD!) And then we went for the movies to finally see the Black Knight - Batman. Heath Ledger, has definitely outdone himself, and on an inspirational note, a great final piece of work to be remembered by.

That night, went out for Ktv with the netball crew, and then metros for the rest of the night. Lots of fun! Those cool fantabolous people who I saw there included: Myself, Jules, Eloise, Dez, Darren (part of the netball crew) Shaz, Jon, Clem, Gal, Farhan, Kim, Megan, Lincoln, Kev, Ben, Jesi, Penny and Trinh. Those that I heard where there, but did not see... Yorms, Hanif and Vanni.

The night was huge. But too huge for me. It has definitely been a beautiful love/hate relationship between myself and Metros for the past few months, but this Sat was the last. I hate crowds. People step on me, and bump into me, and I can never find friends if lost. Friggin annoying. No dance space. no movement space. Try to order a round of drinks? - (Squashed frogs was the drink of the night for me) - bar chic says "not enough shot glasses!"

Sunday.. woke up... and mega allergic reaction to the antibiotics had taken phase 2!!! Now still recovering from it... >_<

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posted by anna at 9:32 AM | 1 comments
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Oh what a feeling!
I had a restless night last night. I had played indoor soccer at uwa with a whole bunch of guys... I was working it, I tried my best, so I was pooped. I was battered and bruised. I hurt my ankle again (self inflicted by kicking someone) and then shed blood from getting a cut upper and lower lip from attempting to header a ball... but ended up hitting something... (It might have been Jesi, but to tell you the truth, I think my face just hit the ball instead of my head). So with all that drama, playing from 7 till about 9.30 and my stomach content from having one of the best kababs ever in northbridge (YAY for the sour cream and chilli combo!Thanx Jesi!)... you would assume that I would be buggered as and ready to sleep as soon as I "smelt" my pillow (as my mom would say).

But no. I kept on waking up. I didn't know why... it occurred to me that its probably because results were coming out the next day... and its do or die. I have never failed a unit before, but it was never too late to do so. Failing one unit would cut me SO bad. My last semester ever... extended till the end of this year for 1 unit... I would die.

So being an eager beaver and always doing the facebook/email check before work, this morning I went to student connect to see if the grades were up. They come out today... but NO they were not up at 7.15am... and they were not up at 8.30am. I was not going to check them at work... because if the worse does happen, it will ruin my day especially working at a law firm. So I was not going to find out till... well.. late at night because straight after work I had netball. Luckily Will rang me, and asked if I had checked. I said no, and then got him to check for me...

WOOOOO!!!! I passed everything! I am graduating! The feeling... well. Huge relief... I will never have to listen to a lecture again. I will never have to go to tutes, or get stressed out about going to tutes... I will never have to cram for exams or assignments... 5.5 years at uni... finally over. Parts of me doesn't feel like I am finsihed... I still feel like a student in a way. Maybe once I attend the ceremony and all, then I'll feel like a law graduate.

I really really hope... some random chance... that my graduation ceremony is the same as the engineering one... because then so many people will be at the ceremony! It will be an eventful night, and not a boring one... coz there will be quite a few people that I can see graduate too! *fingers crossed* heres to hoping!

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posted by anna at 9:42 PM | 1 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
So... after my entry yesterday. I headed straight to my warm and cozy bed and got some sleep for a few hours. I bummed for the rest of the afternoon. Went to pick up suit from dry cleaners, and then bought some flats for work with the parents. Throughout the day I got sms's from Julie asking whether I was going to head into Metros as Lincoln was trying to recruit for the night. I wouldn't mind to have gone, but I was pretty buggered, and didn't really feel like clubbing. (Plus I had been there the past 2 Saturdays!) At about 5/6pm I get a call from Farhan asking what was happening tonight. I was like... "Well so far nothing, no one has organised anything..." Farhan was said that Kim and himself was up for some ktv tonight, and I was like "COOL!" I really wanted a good sesh after the morning. So went and made the rounds.

At 9pm I left my house for ktv! Was amped! was sooo excited again! First stop was Jesi's place to pick him up since he was car deprived because of a bang up a few weeks ago. It was a mission of a drive! Two reasons, first, because I made a turn too early and ended up going in the wrong direction. But it was good again! I was able to find my way. Secondly, for some reason this night, my car was getting mega fog. My windows, all of them were fogged up so thick and the anti-fog was doing absolutely nothing!

After picking up Jesi, we made our way to the city where I was going to pick up my Nintendo DS charger off Will from his work. Will has been busily working on his CA project... therefore depriving us of time to spend together. =( Was good to see him, I had not seen his new haircut and he looked fresh, and he was wearing the UWA jumper I bought him! WOO! ^.^

We then made our way into northbridge to Utopia where Farhan and Kim were waiting for us. It was buzzing this night. So many people!!! I bumped into Trinh!!!! She was there with her kung fu school! She is ultimate coolness! So super nice! = D We exchanged numbers, as I had neglected to do so last Saturday night (I knew that the guys were jealous! I picked up... yea!) Farhan and Kim then asked whether I was up for clubbing at Ruby Room. I was like "Nooo!?" I looked down at what I was wearing, jean skirt, boots and my adidas jumper... I was so not dressed for clubbing, plus I was supposed to be home by 1am... mandate from parents GRRRR.(Don't get me started...) But I guess if I didn't have that curfew, I would have accepted. I love the randomness... but yea, early night so no. There were no rooms in utopia for Ktv so we ordered bubble tea (me with the original milk tea, warm with sago - CHINAAA!) and then we walked to Hit Studio! The guy at the front desk was the same guy that served us that morning... we asked if he recognised us... sadly he said no. AWWW no fun!

We got a room and sung out little hearts till 1.30 (whoops) The time just flew, it did not feel like 1.30, in fact it felt like only 11.30, 12 something. *sigh* I just belted it. I did not hold back. The group dynamics was good again! It ended up being myself, Jesi, Farhan and Kim, but all of whom were open and at ktv to have a good time! Hit Studio is pretty cool, as they had quite a few modern songs! The only song I really wanted to sing was "No air" By Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown and "With you" by Chris Brown, but no such luck. I was able to find "Tattoo" by Jordin Sparks though, and there was "Summer Days" (the Grease song) which was SO AWESOME and went OFF!!!... that is until it was somehow "nexted" *sigh* The boys rocked with the usher and outkast songs. We then finished with Aerosmith "I don't wanna miss a thing." I was pretty relieved that we looked over Mariah...

Home time... and the damage for the paid parking was $7.50 Woo! I was praying it wasn't huge! Jesi had an "emergency" sms from his friends at Metros who all were drunk and unable to drive home, so I dropped him there so that he could be a good friend and be "Designated Dave". The drive home was pretty good... a part from the fact that my car was getting the ultimate fog part 2! *sigh*

But yea... good night! Loved it! Anyone wanna do more ktv... let me know ;)

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posted by anna at 9:57 AM | 3 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Man... working really makes you appreciate your weekends. Work has just become stressful, and yea really needed to de-stress. Loved v-ball, though its got a bit tiring as a lot of people had piked *sigh* We even played with someone's dad... that was kinda strange, but he was quite good! The night ended with Kim hurting his finger... eww.. it didn't look too happy.

After v-ball we all went to hang at El's place. We decided to go for KFC and take one car, so Chia Hui and I went in one car to El's and Kim and El in the other. We arrived.. and then.. we realised "wheres Farhan?" LOL We had left him at the indoor beach volleyball centre, as he was having a shower! hAHhA... but its cool he had his own car, and soon enough, perfect timing, he arrived. LOL we all jumped into his cool lexus and then drive to KFC.

... after a few wrong and missed turns, we arrived at the drive in at KFC. "No air" by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown came on the radio, and since I loved it, started belting it out! Chia Hui, El and I in the back singing while the boys tried to order.. was funny! The people at KFC were like looking at us smiling... I thought... "whyyy not!" I was on this mega high, I looked down, found the window button, and rolled it down and started singing... LOL. The KFC ppl were cool though.

At El's place, we just smashed that KFC... spicy chicken... yum. I don't usually have KFC, actually never (was raised as a non KFCer) but yea looking at all the guys eating... it looked so good, and I already had hoped on board the unhealthy train, so i decided... "yeaaaaaa... why not," so I jumped on the express to unhealthiness... 3 of Chia Hui's cookies, 2 pieces of chicken and chips later... I was one stuffed monkey. I was soo full that when I should up I was unbalanced. But yea it was really good. Great conversation, all of us sucking on our fingers...We then had El's cupcakes which ROCKED!!!!!!! Loved the sprinkles... tasted soo good!!! It was really cool.

We then went for guitar hero which was fun! and I just loved El's bean bag. Sooo comfortable. We played for a while... then after a bit I was like... "i feel ktv!" Ever since singing in the car to "No Air" I just wanted to! So I was like pushing it... "cmon cmon cmon! we gotta live it up! Live life in the now! Be sporadic, random!!! I got my second wiiiind!" Everyone was like "WHAT? serious? its soo late?" and I am sure there was a mention of being "crazy." LOL I thought it was about 12.30 but no... it was like 2am! But after amping it up saying its going to be awesome, both Clem and Farhan was up for it!!! = D El decided to have a early night in... so she said home... so we all made our way to Northbridge.

Northbridge was surprisingly still packed at 2am on a Saturday morning! People were still trying to get into clubs and stuff. I was very surprised... and happy about it... Because if ktv didn't work out, we could do something else. The main thing in contention was what time ktv closed. I thought utopia closed at 4... but the boys thought 3am. So we decided to go to Hit Studio. But then we were like why dont we crash Farhan's friend's party... So he made a call to Jesi, and yea... it was a go. Walking there... Clem said "but but but... nothing good ever happens after 2am!?!?!?" (referring to what Ted said on How I Met Your Mother) I was like naaah... its going to be AWESOME!! Farhan explained that this was his "other crew" and Clem and I were like "" Only when we were walking up the stairs of uptopia, did Farhan explain that.. this was his "old" crew who he hardly hangs out with anymore. Clem and I just looked at each other.. and were like "shiiit! that changes everything! we are no longer friend of a friend... we are randoms!" LOL

When we entered to room. It was... awkward. so many faces I didn't recognise. I saw Voon, Jesi and Kev. Thats about it. It was one of those big rooms too. Farhan then introduced us to the birthday girl, and yea we took our place. I sung 1 or 2 songs awkwardly... feeling like such a tool... and then soon enough utopia closed. So we then decided to go back to Hit Studio for one last hoorah. (Jesi and Kev piking!) Arriving there at 3, the guy at the counter said "look you'll only get about 45 mins." We were like... "yeaaa lets do it... we came here for a reason!" So we paid the guy 30 bucks for 45 mins of pure fun!

We DID it... we destroyed our voices! We sung Bon Jovi, Mariah (NB do not start off ktv with Mariah, she kills your voice range prematurely) Backstreet Boys, Westlife, Michael Jackson... we did all the bare essentials... and pushed our time in there by 15 mins after the dooude told us to leave! It was sick! We ended up getting that full hour!

We left feeling accomplished. It was exciting. It was... soo very on the fly and last minute... to tell you the truth, thats the cool parts of life. the unexpected things! All 3 of us, went out... in good faith, out to have a good time and being open... and it was sick! Arrived home at 5am... buggered but still had energy... was woken up at 7.50 by a sms from Dean whose in Geraldton...and then walked out the house at 8.15 for walkies with Julie. Now... I am here. on my laptop...blogging. What a morning!

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posted by anna at 10:26 AM | 1 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Why Engineer me? well because lately, I that's what I have been doing. At work, been reading lots about engineering and its quite interesting, but hard. Its practical stuff that the average dooude has no clue about.

Things like welding. Look I had no idea about how complicated welding can be, but apparently in steel, you can add other materials in order to make that steel stronger (which is good for buildings and stuff) but when it comes to welding, it causes heat affected zones (HAZ) and the welded part decreases in strength by 30% (in comparison to welding non treated/strengthened steel) which could lead to micro fractures (which is bad). To my understanding, you then need to neutralise the HAZ by instead of putting, say, a 900c heated steel onto a normal temp base steel, you should heat up that base steel to about 600c, and therefore slow down the cooling process, therefore more effective welding.

LOL If I am wrong. correct me.

There is other stuff that I am learning about things like Process Plant, tailings dump, scrubber, cyclones, puddle... so many new terms! What has stumped me is "tracer test" but this entry is already getting hell boring. I bet you all have stopped reading by now. *sigh*

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posted by anna at 10:24 PM | 1 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008

Why am I awake again so early? Yesteday I awoke after about 4 hours sleep after staying on the net for so long, and had no naps.. ttoday... this morning. I got to sleep around 5am and woke up at 8.50am! WHYYYYYYY???? I am so exhausted?!?!? At least im up tho, so I won't miss out on dim sum at 11.30.

Anywho last night... what a night! It rocked! very interesting, unexpecting, sporadic and a great time for the 3 Musketeers! It was the first time Lils, Jess and I hung out in a night time scene. I mean Jess and I bump into each other once in a while, but never Lils. So this was THE night.

We started out at the Brisbane for Trinh's and Teresa's 23rd birthday. I must not forget the unforgettable journey there. We all took time getting ready at Jess' place. I was make-up and hair stylist of the night... and I was a pretty nervous one. People don't realise how stressful it is to be asked to do someone's hair and make up. I found it scary as hell as they have entrusted you to make them look good. If you mess it up, millions of thoughts could run through thier mind "Did she know what she was doing?" "Oh she's pretty bad" "Oh she made me ugly on PURPOSE!" etc... So yea I was scared as hell. But the girls were pretty happy with the job *fewf* and there were practical consequences which I will explain later on...

The drive to the Brisbane was pretty epic! Lils was driving and had to turn left onto a street at a set of lights. But there was a give way lane and instead of going through it, she went through the lights and turned left. Haha.. I was on the phone at the time, but I then remembered seeing red and blue lights flashing in the window. LOL

Pulled over we all were like "OMG!!! LILY!!!" hahahah the cop approached the window, and Lils blurted out something like "oh yea I know what I did wrong, I went through the lights instead of the give way, I am sorry..." The cop kinda gave lils a blank look and said something like "Oh i'll give you a warning..." he then took out a breathalizer and asked her to breathe into it! Jess and I lost it, our Lils has never touched a drop of alcohol in her life. LOL. The cop was pretty cool about the whole thing though and gave Lils the tubey part from the breathalizer as a "keep sake."

Trinh's and Teresa's 23rd Birthday was pretty interesting. I didn't really know anyone there, a whole lot of familiar faces though, which I ended up finding names to! As a result of learning about all these people I foolishly made a bet with one of the new friends where I put entry into metros on the table... yea... I lost... but luckily, I wasn't asked to honour the bet. Hehe. Oh yea.. that was the other MAJOR unexpected turn of the night. We ended up at Metros. Its strange... when I was in the mood for clubbing and was into Metros.. I always had a average to crap time. By 1am I would be tired and feet would be sore as. But lately the past few weeks when I have been dreading going to Metros... its been... well frankly, awesome!

It was soo cool... Lils, Jess, Trinh Robert and I were the ones who lasted the night, we danced out little booties out! Heaps of people were there surprisingly! I bumped into Vanni and Penny in the girls toilets, I ended up dancing next to the Chia Hui, Eloise, Mei, Fahan, Kim and Voon group... I saw Eddie (who left quite early) and found Yorma for a few seconds as he was looking for a lost and very drunk Hanif.

This night was a strange night. Because within our little group, everyone got hit on... at the beginning there were a group of guys dancing around us. One behind me was relatively close, but I didn't think much of it until after a good 10 mins Robert leaned over and asked "Do you want me to save you?" I was like "HUH!??! They aren't YOUR friends?!" So yea... Robert did his manly duties and scared the guys away. Jess was appoached at the bar by some guy in pink. Where she shut him down pretty neat, and Trinh... well she got some guy grabbing her hand and gave it a kiss. LOL (whilst Robert was away). The epic pick up was... LILS!!!! hahaha!

There were these guys dancing around us... and I kinda saw 2 of them talking and glancing and our beautiful, mysterious and unassuming Lils. After a while, I leaned to Jess and said "Look out, Lils has caught someone..." Just as I turned back to look at Lils, one of the guys was leaning into Lils and pointing to his tall friend. Awwww it was sooo cool. Lils politely declined (as polite as one can be at a club) But for the rest of the night, we could not shake those guys off... the tall shy guy had it bad for lils... hehehe...

We ended up leaving around 4... and I was surprised at how the night just turned out. Now Im buzzing on 8 hours in total of sleep from Friday and Sat night... I hope to catch a hell early night coz i know im gonna be screwed for work tm...

Ah... special shout out to Linc-dwag who I neglected to mention as one the cool peeps that I bumped into at Metros. ;)

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posted by anna at 9:43 AM | 1 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I can't believe its happened to me again.... I cannot sleep in! I wanted to have a nice lateish morning. Catch up on the sleep from the habit of waking up so early in the morning!!! *sigh* So I thought I'd write a decent blog entry to make up for the appalling lazy ass last entry.

So whats up in A-Town? Well as I said in my previous post, I have been working full time. I have just finished my second week of full time-ness, and I must admit, it was a hard one. I found that around 2.30 - 3.30 it is my deadzone. I am so zoinked out that I am hardly productive. *sigh* I feel so bad. I can't help it! I think it was also attributable for the crazy sat night at Metros.

It is also a downer that we do not have a computer. I mean, not that I want to procrastinate, but by having a computer at least you can have a few mins break looking at your email or something... I mean working 7.5 hours flat is hard stuff. One day I was particularly down... and attempted to amuse myself... Meet my Happy Mandarin:

Before & After

Hehehehe... yea he rocks. I loved him. I felt so bad when it came to eating him. Because when I made him, the smile just made me feel better. LOL It was like "you are ridiculous!" I felt like the Hannibal, peeling the skin off my victim...

Anyways, what else... Oh yea, Mich and I enrolled in 中文棵. (Chinese class)

现在我很高兴! 我应该还学习汉语!
Now I am very Happy, I should really study Chinese more!

When we went to enrol, Mich picked me up from work during my lunch break and we rushed to northbridge. The person who enrolled us 是我们的老师! (was our teacher). She asked us whether we had studied Chinese before, and we said that we had learned in China. She then broke out in Chinese:

Teacher: 你喜欢北京马?
(Do you like beijing?)

Me: (stunned): uh *nods* 我喜欢。
(I like.)

Teacher: 你的妈妈爸爸中国人?
(Are you parents Chinese?)

Me: 不是, 我的妈妈是 Indonesian 和我的爸爸美国人。
(No, my mom is Indonesian, and my dad is American)

Teacher: Oh... *nods* 为什么你学习汉语?
(Why did you study Chinese?)

Me: um... *thinks of a reason she can say in chinese* 因为很多我的朋友会说汉语。
(because a lot of my friends can speak chinese)

Teacher: I cant remember how she asked, but she asked whether I could read and write chinese... I said 一点 (a little)

She then turned to her computer and went to a website with Chinese Characters, she then asked me to read it, there were a few that I could read, but she made me read ones that I couldn't *sigh* and I admit, I had forgotten a lot of them. She then asked whether we could type in Chinese. Mich and I said yes. She then came to the conclusion that even though our spoken Chinese is pretty good, are reading and writing is not strong enough to start in the second year of Chinese. So she put us into the second semester of the first year. I guess thats good. I mean I did wanna learn how to write better, and I wanted to revise on a lot of the Chinese I had forgotten. But yea... now I am excited!!!

Only thing is, my classes are on Tuesday nights and Thursday nights, meaning that I have to miss out on some netball games :( *sigh*

Anywho... thats me so far. Pretty boring post...


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posted by anna at 7:57 AM | 2 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Heya all,

Yea... I have started working full time as a paralegal at a law firm called "Sparke Helmore" within their litigation and dispute resolution area. So far its been pretty good. The people who work there are really nice people and yea so far it has been a good experience.

I must admit, I still need to get used to the working day. It is still pretty hard on me. I am seriously tired during the day, and once I get home, I am pretty lively. I dont know how to change it, so that it is the other way around. It would be preferable if I was more lively at work. LOL

Last weekend was pretty good. Probably because now since I work during the week I really appriciate it when I don't work. Friday night at volleyball was siiiiick! I was on a high I think... and then afterwards at el's place... it was sooo fun! people on ps3, others playing boardgames, kfc, homemade fairyfloss (thanks el, shaz and charlene). It was just fun! Then on sat... sat night was awesome! Dinner with the gang at Vultures and then Metros... (after being denied from Library because I forgot my ID).

We all walked briskly to Metros in the rain! Eddie being manly and gave me and hanif his jacket to shield ourselves from the rain... (protecting our hair) LOL at Hanif. Thanks to Galilee I was able to get into Metros easy. Damn... I am like 22 and still have ID issues? The night overall was pretty good. Definitely a good night. Would love to to it again... and hopefully when Will is all fine and dandy!

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posted by anna at 7:40 PM | 2 comments