Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baaah! like a sheep i bought my first lotto ticket. Check out the queue.
posted by anna at 12:48 PM | 0 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009

Nice thick beef patty, very tasty. The flavours flaunted the spices of the beef patty. bun was filling and panini-like. I had to flip the burger upside down half way through my session in order to balance the base and top buns tho. It was also a bit too thick, hard stretch for the mouth. Id rate it, as a good feed, but prefer the burger at shafto lane.

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posted by anna at 2:09 PM | 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Thanks to Voon, I was able to get in on this cool Human Rights Blog... closing date was today. I submitted my photo like at 5.45!!!! *fewf!*

Here Have a look: http://www.facesforfreedom.blogspot.com/

See if you can find me... and Voon!

YAY for equality!
posted by anna at 11:14 PM | 1 comments
Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I just watched episode 25 of season 2 Gossip Girl and I can't contain how much I totally love chuck and blair! I've loved them sooo much and omggggg!! No spoilers here... but I just love them!!!

Just look at them... how can you not love them together!

I want her jacket, her shoes! I love their colours!!! Yellow! Green! Orange! Blue!

posted by anna at 9:59 PM | 0 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009

I feel like writing about something. Anything. I am going to write and not stop. See whatever flows through the fingers. So here it goes.

The end of the weekend is near. It is strange how since the beginning of work the structure of my weekends has changed. It has been a long time since I've seen the sun on a Saturday. Instead, a Saturday has become a day of half-assed catch-up sleep before I head out again on the Saturday night. This week has been no different.

Friday Night
On Friday night I played Vball for the first time in 3 weeks. OMG it was so fun. I felt so silly because I was smiling like a tool the whole time. Smiling like a kid that has walked through the colourful gates of Disneyland. I also felt weird when I was just standing there in the sand watching play. My body had become foreign to me. Like I found it weird moving. I felt awkward. I wasn't used to... physical activity. It was strange, and it kind of scared me off other sports (more so netball if anything). I don't want to roll my ankle again. As I type, I have a rubber/elastic strip that I have looped around both my feet and tied together, so I can pull my feet apart and have the rubber resist against it. I do this in an attempt to re-program the damaged nerves in my ankle so that they can recognise what the hell my ankle is doing. So it can sense where my ankle is and hopefully I won't roll my ankle again.

I cramped up in my left calf as we played. CRAMPED! geez my body is falling a part. It could be because I was subconsciously placing more weight onto my left leg. It could be because I needed more salt. I don't know. *rant*

Not only that, I was so puffed out after such a short time. Augh!! *rant rant*

Anyways after vball we all headed to Ipoh as usual, and then headed out to Armin at Metro City. It was a pretty awesome night. Team ASS (Me, Shaz and Sarah) arrived ont the scene around... 11.30. We patiently waited for Kev and Chinny outside of Metros whilst freezing out butts off. Sarah had donned a new fringe all D.I.Y style and it was smoking hot! I had huge fringe envy, because for the past month I wanted to get my fringe cut, but could not find any time, and unlike Sarah I was to scared to cut it myself. I know I am anal with my hair and I know that if I found the smallest thing wrong the fringe I had cut, I would try and fix it, and I would continuously do so. Chances are after being paranoid I would eventually over correct myself, and I would have a ridiculously short fringe that would end too far north of my eye brows. *shudder*

We huddled and looked down Roe Street. Waiting. Eventually Shaz and Sarah were saying something about the boys, and before I knew it they were walking up to us. I had no idea even though I was squinting in their direction. Note to self, need to find time to get eyes checked. First thing to notice. Both had done their hair. Chinny's had a lot of height, and I mean a lot! It was only when he unzipped his jacket to reveal a blue, black and white striped shirt that hung too loose from him that we realised that his hair style was done purposely to get Ben's attention. Kev's hair was similarly styled, though we were not sure if this was for the same reasons as Chinny, or it was just styled. Nevertheless he pulled it off more so as cute than ridiculous.

We walked in. Paid $2 at the cloak room and strut ourselves to the upper levels of Metros, to find the others. After saying our hellos, I bought us a round of red bull and Bacardi (recommended by Mark). Whilst waiting at the bar Chinny neatly placed his gum on under the ledge. I though I could be cool and do the same thing, though it didn't quite stick and I shrugged at it whilst it glowed on the floor, "meh." Couple of minutes later I stepped on it. *damnnit!* FAIL!

After collecting the drinks, all of a sudden we hear this alarm. First thing I thought was that Armin was making is entrance, yet this was almost immediately debunked as the crowd was slowly heading towards us, towards the exits. There was no panic, it was more like "what's going on?" As we turned around and followed everyone, gathering from snippets of conversation we heard, apparently the alarm was the fire alarm and we were all being evacuated to the front.

So within the first hour of arriving... we were back to square one. Waiting outside in the cold outside Metro City, yet without our jackets and holding a cold cup of red bull, Bacardi and ice. Despite the fact that it was a waste of time because there was no fire in the first place, it was one of the only times during the night where our whole group were together at the same time.

Once we were back in, Armin had already started. That was the peak of the drama that occurred from the Anna side that night. The music was pretty good. Quite different to what I've heard from the Armin stuff I got. It seemed harder. But I am not one to judge and one to give a proper opinion since I am still relatively new to this scene. From the newbie, I thought it was good.

Shaz and Sarah left at about 3am because:
1. Shaz had stuff to do for her friends wedding on Sat
2. Sarah was sick
3. Sarah had a commercial practice exam at 9am on Sat. (Girrrrl is crazy!)

So I ended up hanging out with Chinny and Kev for part of the night. We bumped into Khang and Tony quite a few times, and we eventually found the others (I can't be bothered listing and in fear of leaving someone out), who were situated at a lower level at Metros. We stayed there for the rest of Armin and eventually moved onto the dance floor for the post Armin act when the admin staff wanted to commence recovery of the place. We left around 6am... I think.

The events that happened after...
The drive home was surprisingly ok. I had drunk enough red bull for me to stay awake. I arrive home to be greeted surprisingly by my cheerful Mom. Usually its Dad who is sitting on the couch watching the morning news in his well worn blue bathrobe, the chopping board resting on his lap with 2 slices of toast and jelly, whilst holding a cup of coffee. I said a quick hello to Mom , explained that the concert was awesome, as I B-lined to the bathroom for a shower, and then attempted to sleep.

After the rush of showering and getting into PJs and Bed, I realised I was still buzzing from the red bull and had the music ringing in my ears. It took a while to fall asleep. Only to be woken up around 9.30 by 'James' from Fitness First in Innaloo calling to remind me of our appointment at 2pm. DAAAAAAAAAAAMMN YOU BEN!!!

Ben had 'kindly' referred me as a friend to his gym. I get a phone call whilst at work from this 'James' fella who asks me questions like:

How often do you exercise?
When would you come down to see us?

All along I am still getting over the shock that Ben had chosen to subject me to this annoying experience that I have had to deal with too many times in the past, and I am conscious of people at work hearing this conversation. I mumble to 'James' in response:

I play sports every night of the week; and
I live in Ocean Reef so it is pretty inconvenient.

Despite these answers. I end up with an appointment at 2pm on Saturday. Yes. My fault. I should just say "No." My punishment for not being more assertive, a wake up call at 9.30. I tell him I wasn't be coming. I was annoyed, grumpy, voice gone. I didn't need this.

Ok. I lie. I said:


And I rolled back to sleep. Or at least tried to. But I was woken up, and I was now peeved that I was woken up AND that I had to go to this stupid appointment that I didn't want to have in the first place. I then smelt food.

So rolling back to sleep was no longer an option. I was drawn to the kitchen where Mom was making breakfast for herself and Dad. I whined to her about this appointment and I was lucky enough to get a sympathetic offering of a hot breakfast. Yay for timing! Such a rare occasion! That is when you look at the bright side of life.

So sitting there on a stool in the Kitchen, drinking a bottle of water, still buzzing from Armin and waiting for my piggy-backed breakfast, the annoyance of this whole Fitness First experience festered. I quickly realised that I was going to have to say 'No.' So I walked to my room and dialled '1800-jackass-from fitness first,' he answered and I said:

"Hi, this is Anna, and I wanted to let you know that I won't be coming into Fitness First today because I never really wanted to come in, and I never intended to come in. Despite all your questions and my answers I don't know why I agreed to this appointment in the first place. But thank you for keeping 2pm open for me up until now, and thank you for your time, because it is the least you could do for wasting mine."

I lie again.

This is what really happened. I rang up '1800-jackass-from fitness first,' and the phone is answered.

'Hi this is James at Fitness First, I am unable to take your call but please leave a message and your contact number and I will get back to you as soon as possible.'

Smuggly I say:

'Hi James, this is Anna. I won't be coming today at 2pm. Because I really don't have time for the gym.'

I start to crumble, realising I didn't know how to end this:

'So, thanks for your time, and I'll see you later... um.. around.. um... see you... uhh...bye.'

I then celebrate this with my hot breakfast. YUMMMMM.

I then decide that I need to get more than 3 hours sleep today, because I was still buzzing (that being pins and needles at my extremities) and my stomach was still feeling tender. I get into bed, grabbed my laptop and facebooked photos, tagged them all, while chatting to Wilbur who attempted to palm off organising a group to watch the Terminator to me. My battery was dying.. so in the middle of his 'rationalisation' this is what transpired:

6/06/2009 12:27:41 PM Wilbur - AnNa: so go call ppl
6/06/2009 12:27:42 PM Wilbur - AnNa: and then nap
6/06/2009 12:27:45 PM AnNa - Wilbur: boo
6/06/2009 12:27:47 PM AnNa - Wilbur: u call ppl
6/06/2009 12:27:48 PM AnNa - Wilbur: im napping
6/06/2009 12:27:49 PM AnNa - Wilbur: now
6/06/2009 12:27:49 PM AnNa - Wilbur: lol
6/06/2009 12:28:01 PM AnNa - Wilbur: if i dont get a sms from u
6/06/2009 12:28:04 PM AnNa - Wilbur: i assume its not on
6/06/2009 12:28:04 PM Wilbur - AnNa: fag!
6/06/2009 12:28:04 PM AnNa - Wilbur: there
6/06/2009 12:28:05 PM AnNa - Wilbur: haha
6/06/2009 12:28:07 PM AnNa - Wilbur: HAhHAHAHHA
6/06/2009 12:28:10 PM AnNa - Wilbur: org it YO!
6/06/2009 12:28:10 PM Wilbur - AnNa: well look
6/06/2009 12:28:15 PM Wilbur - AnNa: i see who's on msn
6/06/2009 12:28:15 PM AnNa - Wilbur: no questions
6/06/2009 12:28:16 PM AnNa - Wilbur: BYE

Terminator never happened. In the end I ended up seeing Star Trek with Dad. It was soooooooooooo COOL! I loved it! OMG, it reminded me of when I watched Star Wars for the first time. The graphics were awesome on the screen, and I found the relationship between Kirk and Spock really interesting. I won't spoil the movie so my opinion of it ends now.

Saturday Night - Chrissy's Bday dinner
After the movie, I zoomed to Chrissy's B'day dinner. Destination - Zapata's, the new Mexican restaurant in Northbridge. I had told Chrissy that I was going to be about 30 mins late. But when I arrived, apparently it was not late at all as the birthday girl herself had just arrived as well. LOL. It was a good experience. They have separate billing where each seating place has a card with the table number and a seat number, and that is how they can allocate the orders. Pretty simple and pretty effective.

I ordered one of the 'Mexican Combinations' which was called 'Santiago' which was a Beef Burrito with a chicken taco. Drinks? I had the water. It was a pretty decent sized meal. I couldn't finish it. I asked for the hot option, and though it was hot, it was kind of funny weird tasting. I don't know how to describe it... a burnt taste? It wasn't too bad, just different. I'd say the hotness level would be hotter than the hottest sauce at Nandos.

I was a bit of a conversation killer. I was so tired. I was too tired to maintain conversation or stay focused. I just kept on zoning out. I felt mighty bad for turning up like this, especially since I don't see these friends very often. As a result my night ended early as I piked on bubble tea.

While driving out of the pay parking, I was on the phone to Sarah seeing what plans she had for her Sat night after her exam. As I got to the bottom floor of the parking lot I stopped the car in a sudden, rolled down the window and yelled:


Perth is too small. Farhan's face was priceless. Not to mention when I looked to the left of me, so was Simon and their friend's faces. Farhan quickly gave me the low down through my window telling me that they were going to Geisha Bar for drinks. I was buggered, paid for my parking already and a car approached from behind. So I bid them all farewell drove off, and slept when I got home.

Today - Sunday - What now?
This then leads me to today. Sunday. The day of... well. I don't know. Recovery? 2 days of recovery really does not leave any day of the weekend free. I've been blogging all this morning. LOL I felt like writing. So there! I do miss going out during the weekend DAY. Like going out for lunch, hanging out and doing stuff outside of my house. But I am still feeling slothy. I am even considering going back to bed now. Oh wells. This is a novel entry by itself. I'm going to sign off here. So, thanks for your time, and I'll see you later... um.. around.. um... see you... uhh...bye... ^________^
posted by anna at 10:49 AM | 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
It has been a while since I've written something substantial and not just mobile blog it. Quite a few things have happened since last time I blogged.

Injured Ankle
Auuugh golly! the bane of my existence, my right ankle. It always plays up when I am down. But on the bright side, it is a blessing in disguise as it has allowed me to... well, do nothing. Which is something that I've not done since probably around November last year. Life just keeps on speeding up with work and sporting commitments almost every week night that being:

Monday - Mixed Soccer with the Bananaroos
Tuesday - Mixed Netball with Team Rowdy
Wednesday - Indoor beach volleyball with Sons and Daughters of Pineapple
Thursdays - Sometimes blading/running around the river
Fridays - Indoor beach volleyball with Sons of Pineapple
Saturday - Sometimes run to burns beach

... and then staying out late on Fridays and Saturday nights.

I was pretty much burning the candle at both ends. Actually... looking at my schedule listed neatly there makes me wonder if that was/is even possible? How the hell do I do that and not die? Well yea, I guess that is what happened. Something had to give eventually. I will admit though, I have to be forced home... I wasn't going to stop. Its like a wave... you pick up momentum and it the swell just keeps on going. Partly is that, sport is the only thing that clears my head these days and plus I am scared of losing fitness/getting faaaaat.

My New Car
Hoorah for my new car! I have had it for about 1 month now! It is the new Honda Jazz GLi (safety pack). I got it in Helios Yellow and his name is Hugo! LOL this is why I love him (I wrote this to a few of my friends on email):

"Awwwww I love love love love Hugo! Its love at first sight girrrrrls!!!

He is sexy (nice body),
He is smooth (very charming),
He is intelligent (tells me when I need to get gas, how long ive been driving),
He is safe (has the safety pack option),
He is sensitive to my needs (when I drive faster he turns up the music, and when I drive slower, he turns it lower for more intimacy)
He will come with me where ever I want to go! My ideal travelling partner... my... ideal guy."

The actual buying process was stressful as. I knew what car I wanted. After considering Mazda 2 and the Ford Fiesta the Jazz was actually quite a shoe in. I loved the shape of it, and I've always wanted a Honda ever since seeing Asimo in Amsterdam at the AutoRai. (Asimo is soooo cooool) Anywho. Getting the right price was the issue. You would think with the GFC and the decease in sales of cars that they would be more accommodating to the consumer. HA! You guessed wrong! Some dealerships were still playing the game. No movement in prices etc. But after some shopping around I found him! The experience was scary. There is this game to be played. It stressed me out big time.

When it came to signing the papers... I was so over it. I was so over the whole game. So I wasn't as excited as I thought I would be. When the salesman walked over to the manager asking for the price I wanted I just sat there exhausted. Exhausted from work, from ATP, from sports from this whole thing. He returned cold faced. "ehh" I thought. They didn't accept my first offer, I doubt they would accept this one because I didn't budge that much. But he offered his hand and said
I starred at his open hand, waiting for me to accept it.
"what did I just do?"
I asked myself. I took his hand, shook it, and shook myself into reality.
"damn. I just bought a car."

3 weeks later... and I finally picked up Hugo. When I arrived at the dealership, I saw him waiting for me... I squirmed like a kid... I was bursting with excitement... but I felt foolish feeling so, so... I told the kid in me to keep quiet. The first drive was nerve wrecking more than anything, but as we got nearer to home, I was able to appreciate it. *sigh* He's a hot car. I love him. I'm going to use this opportunity to thank Big John, Farhan and Will for giving me extensive car/bargaining advice. Thanks to them for being so patient with me, and pretty much nurture me as I grew some balls.

Bits and Pieces
Hrmm... what else has happened. Well from my blog I guess you can see that lovely whacked and quirky things have happened. I've gone to quite a few shows lately which back in the day when I had time I would have blogged my reviews on them. Instead I shall list them here:

Midsummer's Night Dream - Love this play. Would watch it a 3rd time.

Phantom of the Opera - It was sooo good. My heart swooned at the music, though the phantom was a little but too emo/pansy for my liking. The tone was quite different to that in the movie with Gerard Butler.

War of the Roses - Despite the strength in acting, I wouldn't want to see it again. Quite a challenging play to watch.

Cirque du Soleil - Got awesome seats for this, Julie and I had a ball. I forgot how much I loved this!

French Film Festival - Paris 36 - Good movie, great food and drinks afterwards!

Spanish Film Festival - Chef's Special - This is hilarious! Definitely recommend you watching it... the food was so-so, drinks were alright too.

Various Comedy Acts - Dylan Moran, Tim Minchin and Danny Boy - all where good and highly entertaining. Though I would rate Moran as the most entertaining because I was mighty exhausted after laughing so hard.

Pussycat Dolls/Lady Gaga - Awesome Concert!!!! Both acts could sing and dance... initially I was kinda meh about it, but once the lights dimmed, and the music cranked, I got excited.

Yea. that is a lot of stuff to have gone to... O wells! Here's to living life to the fullest!

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posted by anna at 7:28 PM | 2 comments