Okk... Wo bu zhidao whether that was correct Chinese or not... but yea, you will have to deal with it!!!
Generally Beijing so far has been alright. The dorms here are really quiet, there is only our group from UWA that are living here, so yes.. very quiet.. I can see a tumbleweed pass through the corridors! The atmosphere is completely different to Zhejiang Daxue. Zhejiang was buzzing with life and students from all around the world, parties... pretty much ur standard uni. Here it is very... yess.... quiet. No alcohol allowed on campus. But in a way its a good change. Here there is a lot more structure. At Zhejiang we we able to experience the life of a international student. But here, I think it is going to be very focused on the language and the culture.
Yesterday we had our opening day where we registered and paid for our rooms. At the welcome ceremony/speech we signed a pledge... this pledge get this.. is that we are not to speak any English whilst on campus. Meaning in the corridors, in the computer rooms, on the bball courts, shitang, gym etc its all Chinese. Only in our rooms and once out of the campus doors may we speak English. I really like it actually. = )
After the opening ceremony we had lunch... and it was HUGE we had peking duck which was really good and all this other food. (Actually the night before a group of us went to the same restaurant and ordered the peking duck with 3 other dishes and it cost each of us a grand total of $4.50 AUD!!!) Siiiiiick!
Afterwards I went to accompany Michelle to get her shouji SIM Ka. It was such a draining experience. None of us (Megan, Michelle and I) could speak good Chinese, so I thought hey, cool chance to practice. We were successful in asking for a SIM card, but what messed us up... was the fact that the SIM card did not work in Michelle's phone! All hell broke loose, and soon wo you tou teng. I was looking through my dictionary and my phrase book and then my own little notebook... augh! We were not successful in that Michelle had to take that SIM card and give it to someone else who could use it. She couldnt get her money back.
At night we went out to dinner with Uncle Mike (Megan and Will's Uncle from KL) and we had tibetian! It was pretty filling! We didnt eat that much and we were hen bao le!
Jintian shangwu 8.40am wo shangke. This morning at 8.40am I had class. It was pretty cool. There are only 4 of us in it and it is very personalised and intense. My Laoshi... I forgot his name, but he is cool! I really believe that my Chinese will improve. I have definately been speaking more and more the past few days... whether it is correct Chinese I do not know but yea.. Tonight I plan to study what we had learned today, and to do the homework that was set for us... I am pretty buggered at the moment. I think sleep is catching up to me = )
Other than that... ill see yas all around!