In store training today... I have been really excited!
I love the people there, the clothes, the whole store really... I guess the only thing I din like is getting used to working the whole day on your feet... but besides sore toes... it was a blast!
I must admit... I am a conservative, average pumpkin... I stick to the basics when it comes to clothes and then maybe some drastic pieces here and there. So when I was thinking of what clothes to pick out for uniform... I had in mind, I good pair of pants and a few tops...
My initial plans was not realised, and instead, Anita (who showed Dani and Myself the ropes behind making
For an example,
I ended up getting another top, a long sleeved black top that went well with the skirt and the belt. As I looked at the outside change room mirrors, I saw some shoes which are used for people to try on in order to complete their outfits. They were silver ballet flats, and even though they were a size 9... they looked awesome with what I was wearing... so I ended up getting that too (in the correct size).
I wanted to get another top, similar to the baggy pleated grey one, which had no sleeves; but had a little cap at the shoulder... It looked soo nice... I think I preferred it over the 3/4 sleeve, but David Jones being picky and all... might not allow it... so I didn't end up getting it.
The shift overall was really good after that. It justs demonstrates how a good shopping experience can really make someone's day. = D
Heres some pics on what I ended up getting.

Whereas this is the same outfit, just with my long sleeved black top.
(I wore this one today)
Yea... the photos are dark as I was using my mobile fone and my mirror.... the skirt is a grey colour.
Happy Happy Joy Joy!! = D I can see my money flying away >.<