Clem, Will and I - the deadly trio (well we aint that deadly but we are a pretty good trio) decided to wag uni (omg... first time in a long time) to go see Meet the Robinsons! Ok..ok... correction Will had to wag uni, but hes cool!
Anywho... Clem-sters drove us from uni to Carousel to see the movie at the Hoyts there because its the only cinema to show it in 3D! Its a good movie guys! pretty funny, has some adult humor thrown in there for the parents. There are some golden moments... check out how much of a doosh-bag of a villan "Goob" is (hes not a very good villan... though he looks the part). Hes scary, and funny, and pretty much steals the movie = D Look out for his evil plotting hat called Doris...yea... Doris is scary...
How is it in 3D? well its pretty alright... Like its quite an interesting experience, yet the downfall is that it is a tinsy bit expensive.

Lunch - Eating Sumo Salad! YUM! Even the boys love it!~

My Unco hands - 3 takes and I still cut someone out! YAY for 3D glasses!