On Friday 26th October - We finally had a Bananaroos "wind up!" and did we accomplish a lot!
After work we first met up at Jess' place at Eden Park (Jess, Lils, Stoff, Kol, Will and I) and we went to get some dinner at Takas in Shafto Lane. But... for some odd reason we ended up having Soul BBQ (Korean) Which was still mega yummo.. Though I was really stuffed by the time I finished my BiBimbap.
We then made our way to Tigerlils to start with the Drinking fun! There was no line *fewf* and we made our way to the backroom where we saw Captain Seng working!!
Anywho, we then decided that we felt like a little innocent fun at timezone. So we ran back to Jess' place (because it started to rain!!!!!!!!) and grabbed Kol's car who took us to Northbridge.
Timezone was pretty fun! Ian C and Chi met us there and it got pretty hot as we were playing DDR and BBall shooting gaming thingo. The 3M took a lovegetti/neoprint for the first time as well!!!
We then trekked off to Eurobar to Meet the final Bananaroo member Ian I. But there was a line and we waited for ages in the cold and rain. Eventually Ian I came out to see us, but after a while we decided to make our way to the new club in town the "Library."
The Library was pretty cool! They did a nice job in converting the stingy Asian Hangout the Church into this romantic, gothic like place. Where there were bookshelves (for decoration purposes only) and dim lights, grand gothic furnishings... yea... quite sophisticated! Music was alright, it was some electric funk thing going on. There was also some "dancing" girls. who... yes. were very interesting!
After the Library we shot to Subiaco for some fun at the Sapphire Bar. This was pretty cool as the music was recognisable. (had some M Jackson playing!) Oh and some dooude made a play at Lils! WWWWEEEEEHEHEHEEE!!!! We stayed till about... 1ish I think, and then made our way back to Jess' place for some chilling out.
PJ party with Lils, Jess, Stoff, Will and I!!!! We played "the Game of life" till the wee hours in the morning, and then headed off to bed, awaiting for a Fast Eddy's Breakfast.
OHHHH baby... the "Ed's" Benedict Hit the spot at Fast Eddy's the Next morning. Great way to end the Bananaroo's outing!
Heres some pics compliments of Jess = D

Labels: Clubbing, Friendship, Party, Sport