Today was my last day at Calverley Johnston... I have had such a great time and experience working at the law firm. I love the people.
I don't know how to describe it. It was like a little home, one that I visited once a week. I had been there since July 2006. Man how time flies.
Hopefully when I return from China in Feb, they will need an extra hand so I can return. But... you never know how the cards will be dealt.
They sent me off with a little goodbye present!!! I was sooo stoked! I didn't know how to react or what to say! I love the gift though! I really really really do! They got me a "Moleskine" Notebook and a Weekly Planner and Notebook for 2008! They are soo beautiful! I know I am definitely going to write my little heart out in them!
They also got me a gift card for Myers!! Ooh I am soo spoilt!!!! =D and they topped it off with a beautiful card which is of a Chinese watercolor called "Peany, Magnolia and Butterfly."
Thanks again Calverley Johnston = )

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