Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday Morning rain is pouring…

Well not really… but my tiredness is pouring. I can’t seem to sleep in again… no matter what time I go to bed.

Yesterday (Sat) We got up and had brunch at one of the other uni cafeterias. The food there is super cheap too. For a huge bowl of noodle soup… 6 RMB which is pretty much 1 Aussie Dollar. We also had some dumplings which were really good.

We then headed to West Lake again, but around a different area. It was different experience as we went in a big group. Pretty much the same group from the first night out at Grandma’s Kitchen. I can actually remember their names now… lets list:
James, Jose, Qiao, Anna-lee, Willy, Yoko, and of course Megan and I.

I cant get over how beautiful and tranquil the lake is.

The coolest part of the night… and probably on my top things we have done on this trip is… get this… we hired bicycles and rode them around West Lake! It was mega crazy man! We would be riding on the road, with traffic, against traffic (and China traffic is friggin nazi crazy, like they DO not STOP at a red light.) But after the initial “holy shit I want to die” feeling wore off, it was pretty fun. Riding the bicycle at night all around the lake, screaming shouting…I was singing “Doe a deer a female deer, raaaaay a drop of golden suuuun!” It so felt like the sound of music… all of us riding in the streets.

We took quite a few photos… us being hardcore bikies hehehe.

After that, we went for dinner at a “Mexican” place called… Umm… I forgot. Ha ha… Um…shit.. ok I will get back to you. But anywho, its pretty cool. You sit down at the table and waiters come around your table to shave off different styles of meat and they will keep on coming around and offering you the meat until you say stop. There is also a pretty big salad bar. Interesting stuff, yummo though. I ate the tongue of something… I forgot, but I ate it thinkint it was just a long slice of beef or something. Taste good but. I also tried bullfrog… “Jeremiah was a bullfrog, he was a good friend of mine…” that was ALSO pretty yummo. Chicken heart, yea do-able, it kinda reminded me of like liver… so I yea… edible, but not my preferred choice. OOOH and yea, they did have like “normal” meat too.

After that, we went back to the dorm to get ready for another uni party held at this club called “Black and White.”… Yupp its called black and white because one of the Djs is black and the other is white. It was for some Mexican thingo… so yea… when we arrived… it was all latino music… I… well didn’t really enjoy it that much.

We soon left and attempted to try another place… I think it was called “Reggae club” Music was RnB, but it was packed.

*Note… everyone smokes here, its kinda annoying, it gets bad in the clubs to the point that my throat hurts and my eyes dry up.

After our unsuccessful plight to club, we went to karaoke. OMG!!! Karaoke… rocks my world! We sung out lil hearts out till about 4.30am.

Anyway, here I am now typing this out at 11am. I woke up at 9am, and have not been able to sleep since.

Today we have our first official shindig of the tour. Here is the itinerary:

1.50 – Meet at lobby
2.00 – People are to do their placement test (see where their mandarin skills are at) We will give it a miss as we are beginners but we still need to register with the teachers.

3.55 – Assemble at the lobby again
4.00 – Orientation
4.30 – Free time
5.45 – Results of the placement tests
6.00 – Welcome Buffet

Anywhooo… I will post up pics of yesterday too = )

Miss you all…

A big hug to Will ^^

P.S I am loving this camera Will… check out my West Lake pics… Good thing I know composition aye?

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