Heyyyaaa all today... was D-Day!
Women qu Chang Cheng, Great Wall. For me it was the pinnacle of the China trip. Everything that I had heard and learned about China was embodied in this wall. = )
The drive there was not too long, about 2 hours at max... I slept most of the way... Once we arrived and got off the bus it was friggin hen leng!!! really cold. My toes hurt, hands hurt! yeaaa.. very cold.
What else can I say about it... well it was breathtaking... it being so looong and just.. well exactly as one would imagine it to be like!
Whilst we were walking...I must admit I was low on the energy. I had not eaten any breakfast and neglected to bring any lunch. But besides that downfall it was an alright day. Some of the fellas were daring enough to take off thier shirts for a photo!!!!! CRAZY!!!! Us girls were not that crazy but were daring enough to take off our shoes heheheh... YEAAA SSIICCK!!!
Labels: Beijing, China, China Gang, Chinese, Sightseeing