How does it feel when you walk out of your last exam everrrr? Well... surprisingly, there is no overwhelming sense of freedom, sadness, nostalgia or happiness. If anything... the first thing I would have thought was "shiiit... I so could have done that paper better, shouldn't have spent so much time on the first question..." I think there is no sense of freedom until you receive your marks which confirm that you will well and truly leave this institution.
My last exam ever was employment law "weeee." (NB An unenthusiastic weee) Don't get me wrong, employment law is quite interesting. Especially because it relates to anyone who has a job, casual, part time or full time. Unfortunately, it seems that everything that we have learned in this semester might not even be relevant within the next few months! Yet despite how interesting this area is, something about completing the exam didn't make it feel like the end, as opposed to if I had finished after doing procedure and comm pract. After finishing those exams, I really did feel like there was a huge accomplishment. I guess it could be because, it was a core unit, everyone was doing it and living through the stress for a whole year, whereas here its just an elective, with only a handful of people that I know doing it. But yea... I guess thats what I wanted really a "less stressed" last semester.
Food - CHINAAA! in Perth ?!

Will @ Big Bowl - Check out his Felix the Cat shirt! Uber kool kat coolness!
Anywho after the exam, standing in the brilliance of the warm sun like 2 bears emerging from a winters hibernation, Viv gave me some books to read during my free time. (Good luck Viv for the rest of your exams) Then Will swung by and picked me up to take me out in celebration of completing my last exam. He took me to Big Bowl in Northbirdge, which is OMG super yummie! Big Bowl is a small restaurant that could be easily looked over if one does not know where it is located or if one does not see the long line of Asians who are waiting to eat during lunch hour. The food there really got the China craving back! We ordered mixed jaozi soup with noodles! Awww *drool* The noodles and the jaozi are all freshly handmade at this place, so it brought back the sensation of China. *tear* I just remember that big canteen at Zhejiang Daxue that had the sick jaozi, where we would just eat a plate consisting of at least 10 of them. Was sooo good! Plus the noodles! aW! I don't think I've ever tasted freshly made noodles. There is definately a significant difference in the texture.
My jaozi soup with noodles
Will ordered one of the "noodle bake" dishes. Which is a "Asianized" version of a western favourite: cheesy pasta. It was pretty yummy too! Quite a hearty dish for a cold, wintery, rainy day. (but just our luck, Saturday was quite a beautiful sunny day!) I must say, It was a filling dish, and it was kinda interesting/strange eating such a cheesy dish with noodles. I think its the whole, if its a cheesy pasta, it is expected that you have to deal with stringy extensions of the melted cheese (which is hard enough), but with the noodles, you have a force to be reckoned with, because you must deal with the stringy cheese and tame the long noodles too.

Will's chicken, cheese and mushroom cheesy bake
Because we were in the heart of Asian town in Perth, I was like "hey, lets go exploring!" I rarely go to this area, and I don't think I've ever walked around this part of town (the part beyond icey ice and moon cafe - though I've never been in moon cafe). We popped into one of the Asian supermarkets and I was like "OOOH lets go hunt down some milk tea if we can find some!" So I excitedly browsed the isles until I came to the tea section. CHA-CHING! Found the lipton milk tea original flavour! There was "gold" flavour too, which is more milky and less sweet, but... no green tea milk tea. *sigh* Oh well, its good again! After that Will was like, "hey you know what, in celebration of your last exam, go nuts, my treat." WOOO! so I perused the store again. "HrMmM what stuff do I miss from China??? OOOH the candy!" I found the cheap fruit candy that Quentin discovered at the Zhejiang convinient store which was like a couple of AUD cents in China, and like a dollar in Australia. So I added the apple and berry flavour to the milk tea. Then oooh POCKY! I loved the green tea pocky! Unfortunately there was no green tea flavour. So I bought the strawberry flavour just because its pink. hhehEhe.
I thought that would be the end of my China Binge, until we were at the counter and I saw the cool fruit chewy candy!!! AH! It reminded me of Beijing! During our study time. I remember eating a whole packet because I had no dinner, and all I had eaten was pomelo. LOL. I just remember sitting at the table, studying, and Lincoln walking in and out, with his phone playing Jay Chou's "Cai hong" which at the time he had only just heard it as someone's ringtone. LOL and then we just ate the chewy candy. I took the apple flavour... and my binge was complete!
We're bringing CHINAAA! back
LOL I haven't opened anything yet. I think I just like the idea of having them. Not necessarily eating them hehehe.
Labels: China, Food, Law, Studying, Will