Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Oh what a feeling!
I had a restless night last night. I had played indoor soccer at uwa with a whole bunch of guys... I was working it, I tried my best, so I was pooped. I was battered and bruised. I hurt my ankle again (self inflicted by kicking someone) and then shed blood from getting a cut upper and lower lip from attempting to header a ball... but ended up hitting something... (It might have been Jesi, but to tell you the truth, I think my face just hit the ball instead of my head). So with all that drama, playing from 7 till about 9.30 and my stomach content from having one of the best kababs ever in northbridge (YAY for the sour cream and chilli combo!Thanx Jesi!)... you would assume that I would be buggered as and ready to sleep as soon as I "smelt" my pillow (as my mom would say).

But no. I kept on waking up. I didn't know why... it occurred to me that its probably because results were coming out the next day... and its do or die. I have never failed a unit before, but it was never too late to do so. Failing one unit would cut me SO bad. My last semester ever... extended till the end of this year for 1 unit... I would die.

So being an eager beaver and always doing the facebook/email check before work, this morning I went to student connect to see if the grades were up. They come out today... but NO they were not up at 7.15am... and they were not up at 8.30am. I was not going to check them at work... because if the worse does happen, it will ruin my day especially working at a law firm. So I was not going to find out till... well.. late at night because straight after work I had netball. Luckily Will rang me, and asked if I had checked. I said no, and then got him to check for me...

WOOOOO!!!! I passed everything! I am graduating! The feeling... well. Huge relief... I will never have to listen to a lecture again. I will never have to go to tutes, or get stressed out about going to tutes... I will never have to cram for exams or assignments... 5.5 years at uni... finally over. Parts of me doesn't feel like I am finsihed... I still feel like a student in a way. Maybe once I attend the ceremony and all, then I'll feel like a law graduate.

I really really hope... some random chance... that my graduation ceremony is the same as the engineering one... because then so many people will be at the ceremony! It will be an eventful night, and not a boring one... coz there will be quite a few people that I can see graduate too! *fingers crossed* heres to hoping!

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posted by anna at 9:42 PM | 1 comments