It was... epic... the night kept on getting better till the last moments for the huge monstrous finale!!!
It started out alright. I had friday night after work drinks... 2 glasses of white, and I was all honkey-dory. Pretty alright...pretty settled. I then made my way to meet up with Jesi and Kev outside of Myers. Got calls from Sharon and El saying they were going to be a little late. So the trio made our way to Makan Makan. Kev was super awesome for volunteering to drive us... (I had initially planned to take the train all the way home to pick up the car, to then drive back to the city and drive ppl... i wanted everyone to have a good time.) So at Makan makan, we were soon joined by El and Mike... which was awesome because the talk was all engineering... >__< which wasn't too bad, but my involvement level = 0.
Sharon found her way to Makan makan and the crew was set. We made our way to tigerlils which had a mega long line... and it was RAINING! *Augh*. But the wait in the line wasnt too bad, Seng came soon and he was able to get us VIP entry with him, though he wasnt able to get El and Mike in who ended up having to go back into line and wait for a little longer... (Sorry guys). In tigerlils, found Viv, Karl and the other bball boys. Rounds of drinks started... and before we knew it, we were off to Amplifier bar. There was a 20 Buck entry fee. >__< So when Viv left to find his crew at the Belgium Beer Cafe, the V-ball crew (plus, Jon and Co) stayed and just had a few more drinks and enjoyed the live band.
After the last round of drinks, we made our way to Ktv at Hits Studio. It started raining pretty heavy... but we were all still good, we did not let it dampen our mood! Once at Ktv... it was pretty good... but unfortunately the room that I had booked was not big enough. There were people spilling out of our room, waiting around the door >__< felt mega bad!!! But other than that.. was awesome. Farhan, Viv, Karl and Co joined us... and we lasted till like 4am!
Walking out of Hits Studio, I looked at the sky and I think Sharon said
"wow, lucky its not raining." I was thinking the same thing. We made our way to the cars and it started drizzling... I had my umbrella, but I also had a jacket. So i offered my umbrella to Sharon and Jon (Jon who only had a cotton shirt on). They were like
"nah its ok, we are cool" I was like
"ok...".... next thing we knew it *POW* it just started pouring down, big fat rain... sharon and i shrieked... and it kept on getting worse. The winds made it like horizontal crazy rain... Farhan stopped by in his car and lent us his umbrella which was a huge help!!! But the rain just kept on beating down on us. It was soo epic... it came to the point were i looked around and saw us, Sharon, Jon, Kev and I, Jesi and Sharons friend (forgot her name), and Viv and Karl... all of us just head down, fighting the weather. I started laughing. it was hillarious. Something sooo... unexpected, something so... refreshing, a situation that we would never willingly put ourselves in, but it just happened. It was beautiful. LOL. It is by far my favourite memory up to date.
Labels: Friendship, Fun, KTV, Party