Yes... Lily Chan is growing up.
On Saturday the 3rd of Feb, a monumental day, the Red Man and Cowboy met at the Waterhole (Lily's Place) and were able to co-operate and not kill each other... (well not literally).
Games were played... Tummies were filled with sweet goodies such as chocolates, marshmallows and fruit cake.
Cowboys and Indians?
Lily who was the perfect host, dressed up as an Indian Princess with plaits and feathers in her hair.
I dressed up as a cowboy, shorts, white singlet with an orange long leave top which had some embroidery which looked western-ish, and to top it off, I had a red neckerchief and a cowboy hat.
Will dressed up as a cowboy too... he looked sooo good = D Very cute in his checkered top, cowboy hat and neckerchief (despite the fact he took the damn neckerchief off immediately).
Da Party
I, a tardy Cowgirl, came 2 hours late to the gathering as I had to send my Aunt and Uncle to the airport. Twas a lil cut that I missed out on the chocolate eating-coat and hat wearing-game that I used to play at Saints Club with Lils and Jess.
But, luckily, as soon as Will and I arrived, the marshmallow game commenced! Jess and I eagerly volunteered... yea... twas a tricky, messy game = D Everyone involved had to start with one marshmallow in their mouth and say "Chubby Bunnies". After everyone in the game has said it, everyone then has to put in another marshmallow (making sure not to eat the first one) and then say "Chubby Bunnies" again. This keeps on going till people can no longer say "Chubby Bunnies" properly, and the person who lasts wins.
We then played charades. Jess, Stoff, Will and I were in one group, and we were given the word "traffic light". We came up with the idea to have Will, Jess and myself stand like a totem pole (as in me kneeling, Jess standing directly behind me and the Will behind Jess). Me being on the bottom was to be the green light, Jess, the amber light and Will as the red light. Stoff was to be a car who would follow the directions of the light... first go-ing, then slowing down, then stopping... well... not so much stopping, but he was going to do some wicked ass swerving.
Yea... ours was sooo well done... that Stoff did not even have to start driving for the party to guess what our word was. = D
We then had speeches and cake... HmMmMmM cakkkeee... yummo. Mrs Chan had made the cake and it was decorated by Anabel. It was sooo yummo bummo. = D
Overall the party was GREAT FUN = D Such innocent, playful fun....
Happy Birthday Lils = D
(Pics will be uploaded soon... once I get them from Lils = P)
Here are the pics = D
The 3 Musketeers!
Group Pic!!!