Yea... the break that has been much anticipated is finally here.
The highlight... Drinks and Wii and Wiill's house on Sat night. (heheh get it, Wii-ll) Unfortunately "Anna" can not incorporate the whole "ii" thing. Lucky Mii-gan and Adriian.
Anywho... we all started our night with Kenneth the Keg. (keg of Heineken) We had such a great experience with Ken the Keg at my 21st, that Will and Adrian bought one for sat, and named it Kenneth. = D Again... it did not last very long, and after out session with Wii (Adrian and Voda Drew brought over their consoles and remotes) we started on Jagermeister.
There was jager-bombs for all; that being, Adrian, Clem, Drew, Voda Drew, Amy, Megan, Will and I. I must admit, if it wasn't for the glasses of heineken I had beforehand, I would not have been able to take the jager-bombs given that there was more jager than there was red bull in the shot. >.<
We then thought that we could try out some pancakes... but alas, we had a lack of lemons at the Tan household. So Megan and I attempted a covert operation... object: to steal the lemons from the neighbour's tree. Unfortunately our mission was NOT accomplished, as an unforeseeable variable had emerged. Yes... Will's grapevine had grown over the pathway next to his shed and had enterwined itself to the shed roof. It was impossible for us to get the ladder through without destroying the vine.
Megan then had a great idea, to drive to her friends place to get some lemons. Adrian and I accompanied her. I will admit, it is at this point of time... that things go fuzzy. All I remember is getting there, taking my thongs off at the door and going in and asking to play a game that her friends were playing. I cant even remember what console they were using. I then remember us going to BP... for I dont know what reason, and then we were back at Will's place.
Umm... yea the rest of the night was fun! Got to know Voda Drew and Amy a lil bit more (I had not hung out with them before) and the night ended at about 2ish when Drew was picked up but Katie.
The next morning we were greeted with a sun that was too bright, the air which was too cold, and a stomach that was still too... under the weather. But maccas was the lifesaver, and the answer to all our stomach-y wishes.
= D