Anna's given me the opportunity to create a post on her blog.
Today...I finally got Anna her anniversary gift...about 3 months late o_O
Me being the practical soul that I am, decided that I won't just get her any silly nilly present.
I thought I'd get her something that she needs and wants. So we decided that a camera would be a good option.
I spent a good few nights researching cameras online, you can ask Anna...all I spoke to her about online was camera this, camera that. Review here, review there...and in the end, we decided on the camera which we had in mind right from the beginning.
We (more-so me) decided to get the Canon IXUS 70. I think I might be becoming a Canon fanboy >.<

w00t! now I know how to post pictures too. Don't worry...I won't be starting my own blog any time soon. I'd probably spend too much time rambling on about useless crap...Ok..thats the end of my blog post. Bye bye...and good night.
- Will
PS Hopefully Anna will find the time to post up some pictures of the camera later
(Anna inserting photo of camera now 08.08.07 - The camera is the one on the left the cool black one = P )

Labels: Love, Technology, Will