I was giving James crap about how we were eating at Sizzlers... he looove sizzlers and there is none in Hangzhou.
Anna sms: Hey guess where I am, it starts with an "S" and ends in "izzlers" HAHAH
"Buzz Buzz" Anna gets a reply:
James sms: Thats a tough one... how bout I punch you in the face!!! It is ducking snowing man! Jealous?! I thought so...!
(Anna gets a shock, reads the sms 3 times over.... Did he say SNOWING?)
Anna sms: Serial? Are you serious? How much, send a photo!
James sms: Dead serial...The whitness is still collecting on the floor, maybes tomorrow it will be all white!
(Anna is in shock, saddness, annoyance! WHY!! this is the 3rd time I've missed snow! When I went to detriot, was there for 3 weeks, the day we left... snow. Europe, only snowed for 10 mins, once we left, a week later, heavy snow... now this!!!)
James sms: Hangzhou rules!!!!
This is the photo he sent me on MMS:

Quentin sent me an MMS... with the character of snow: Xue3

Labels: Beijing, China, Chinese, Friendship, Hangzhou