Ahhhhhhhhh!!! This was a pretty good night out! I love Maroon 5. When I was in China, in Hangzhou especially, I didn't get a chance to speak to Will that often. But one night when I had the chance to talk to him, he said to me:
"I called because I have a surprise for you..."
"Oh... really??? a surprisee??"
"whaaatttt surprise??"
"I got us tickets..."
"Tickets?!?!?! to what?"
"A band you love..."
*I sit on my bed looking out of our dorm window at the "Zhejiang Mountain" in deep thought*
"HrmMm... I band that I like... I don't know..."
"I'll give you a hint, its name has a colour..."
*Gobsmacked....jaw drops... this is not just pure coincidence is it?*
"MAROON 5?!?!?!?!"
The thing is, before I had left for China and just after Justin Timberlake, I was randomly talking to Will in the car one day about concerts. I said to him... "I rekon Maroon 5 would be awesome live, as they are a band... and yea, all thier songs are sick... would you go?" Will said that he would if they came... but at the time, neither of us had any idea they were intending to come to Perth! Pure coincidence or what?!??! Hehe.
Their music rocks! 很好听!The Maroon 5 crew consisted of Will, Yorma, Kean and I. We bumped into Matt and Deano as well. Unfortunately we were unable to meet up with Shaz and Jon... but yea....
The songs that I was really looking forward to hear and got really amped when they played, were: "I won't go home without you," "Sweet Goodbye," "This love," "She Will be loved," "It makes me wonder".... ahhh all of them really!
Adam Levine... oozes sex appeal on the video clips. But on stage. He is completely different. He is just your usual rocker really. Dressed in trendy black jeans and a fitted black t-shirt he looked almost emo really. Different to how he's dressed in promos (eg. check our the cover of their recent album). There were moments when he did engage me and the general audience such as when he dimmed down the band, and just had the drummer do the beat to "I won't go home without you" and he made the crowd sing with him:
"Its not over tonight, just give me one more chance to make it right, I may not make it through the night, I won't go home without you..."
It sounded awesome, and Kean was smart enought to get an awesome recording on his phone!
Other than that, it was a different kind of concert than the other ones I have been to. I mean I went to Gwen Stefani and Justin Timberlake, both were "pop" styles and had dancing, visuals... the whole package really. Maroon 5, whilst the music was great, vocals were siiiick and it was cool to hear them live, performance wise, it is just the band performing. As most rock gigs are like I assume.
One cool thing that we did that night, was... well we ended up standing and watching the whole show in the isle and not from our seats. Our seats were pretty good, but the isle.. well that was better. There was not someone directly in front of you.. which for me meant I could see the stage! There was one time where I micheviously suggested that we all walk down and stand near the front in the isle... Kean being double michevious agreed and led the way. It was soo cool how close we were... but the ushers caught on, and started to ask people to see thier tickets... so we walked in the opposite direction and eventually found our sweet spot, which was in the isle right in front of the ligthing and sound system. Therefore not blocking anyone's view and getting a really siick spot to see the performance. = )
Another cool thing, Will's/Megan's/Kean's friend Dave... yea... siiick... hooked us up with beverages and desert! = )