Mega Catch Up
I was still shitting myself. Ok…I had the general gist of what to do, but not down pack. I packed it even more when I saw that I was not going to be alone at this part of the slope, but about 30 instructors were just standing in the middle of the slope for some filming.
What really got me to turn my fear around was Kenny. Kenny was like me, never snowboarded in his life. For lunch the girls told him accidently that the lodge is at the very top of the mountain… yea… not cool. So he had to snowboard down himself… BUT he did it, and learned how to go down falling leaf all by himself. My inspiration!
After going down from the mid point and hearing that Kenny made it to the bottom alive… I “man-ed” up and took the plunge. Went to the very top of the slope… and I never looked back! It was scary, invigorating and a great way to learn to snowboard! The slope is long, and since I was only going down one way my legs burned like hell!!! I ended up having to try to forget the pain of lactic acid in my thighs by singing while I snowboarded down… ahahahah… but by the end of the day, I would just make myself fall over to let my legs rest!
The day would have been perfect if the next part didn’t happen. I was super cold and tired, so I changed and returned my clothes and gear. When I walked out to see everyone again and I went to buy some Nai Cha (Milk Tea) I realised I had no money in my wallet. I had taken all my money out and put it in the pocket of the snow jacket I had borrowed! I ran to everyone and told them and we made our way to the hiring desk. I had only JUST returned it, and I wore a green jumpsuit in size small which was not that popular. We told the people there, and they let us look in all of the pockets of the size small green. But… all the pockets had been opened and my money was no longer there. The people there were asking whether I had kept my pocket open and perhaps I had dropped it. But I knew this was not the case. I saw that every time they received the snow gear back they checked the pockets then and there. Someone… blatantly lied to me and someone got themselves an extra 400 kuai. *sigh*
Lincoln, Michelle and I eating some Lunch on the slope
Xingqiyi (Monday) 21 January – Xingqisi (Thursday) 24 Janurary
We pretty much continued having classes in the morning. But instead of going to the afternoon activities that were available to us, we went out shopping this week! We realised we only had 1 more week left. So we took the ditie (underground train) to the Silk Market and Xi dan. They are awesome places to go shopping! This holiday I did not buy a lot of clothes, but I bought a lot of “Zhongguo dongxi” (Chinese Stuff) Such as my name in a chop/seal/stamp. I had them put Xia An Na in the traditional script. I also bought some cool water paintings of the Great Wall, Huang Shan and some Pandas. I was looking for a painting of Xi Hu (West Lake) in
To tell you the truth, the night market in
One of the coolest buys was… I bought a Zhongguo MP3 player!! Because what happened was the day after snowboarding, my ipod died on me!!! I plugged poddie into megan’s computer and it just froze… I didn’t know why. I waited for ages but nothing happened so I unplugged poddie from the laptop. Since then, I cannot access my music… itunes will not pick up poddie, but the laptop will detect a mass storage space connected. *sigh*
I was hell depressed. I pretty much have lost 3 years of music! It had everything on it! Mandarin, French, Japanese Lessons… My European trip OST, my
My new Zhongguo pod
I also put got my Sony Ericsson w660i flashed!!! Its soo cool!! I got them to put Chinese characters onto it! I love it! It also has Bahasa Indonesia dictionary on it, so now I can write and receive sms’s in like 3 languages that I can understand!!! Writing hanzi is pretty fun, and really helpful for learning it.
We also went to Vix/Mix. These are 2 clubs in
Xingqiwu (Friday) 25 January
We had a free day, but as usual it was taken up by an excursion. Today we went to the
There is nothing really much I can say about
The cool stuff I bought from the
Later on we hit Vix/Mix again!
Xingqiliu (Saturday) 26 January
I was tired… exhausted to the max from clubbing and the lack of sleep from the past 2 nights. But… I still woke up at 8.30am to go to our next excursion. We went to visit the new Olympic Stadium! Unfortunately it was not open for the public, so all we did was take a bus to it, to see it, we took some happy snaps and then we headed back home, which was fine for all of us. The Olympic stadium is pretty awesome! Has some pretty sick architecture… why couldn’t our silly Convention Centre look anything like this. The stadium looks like a birds nest, which is supposed to mean something… but yea.
Duncan and I at the New Olympic Stadium
That night we hit Propaganda… BIG night. It was probably the best night I had in
This night I ordered drinks, talked to the bar tender (who was a newbie but still really cool). Like for example, I ordered a round of drinks… and
He said he came alone! Hahahahaha oh well at least he was a nice guy..nice enough guy to humor me and my bad Chinese.
The night ended… well… yea.. it ended good… lets just say… not as bad as
Xinqitian (Sunday) 27 January – Xingqisi (Thursday) 31 January
On Sunday I kept a low profile. Lincoln and I went to eat at a place called “Lush” which had the sweetest burgers there! Aw… I miss the western food! Monday through to Thursday we were all busy studying for our exams with a bit of shopping on the side.
This week I got really frustrated with my Chinese. Things were just not sinking in. I was SO thick! I didn’t understand. I felt like my Chinese had gone backwards. I was sooo augh!!! It was horrible especially since I had my exam!
James in
Zhejiang Daxue Snowed in!
Xingqiwu (Friday) 1 February
Today… well we had our graduation ceremony! It has only really just hit me that.. hey we are leaving tomorrow morning. We are leaving
The ceremony was pretty cool, they gave us a DVD presentation which was a movie of photos and video clips of us while out at excursions or in class throughout this month! It was soo cool! They gave us a CD of the movie as well as the photos they took!! They presented us with our certificates and along with a shirt with the School’s name on it, and a class photo.
All the classes had to give a performance. Our class just did a role play with some dialogue. But the other classes did some crazy stuff like… a “who dunnit” “Murder in the dark” role play, whereas another group did a presentation on experiences in
They also presented awards for the classes. For our class A1, Ke Li Si and I were awarded some prize… I didn’t quite catch what it was for, but I think it was for being good students. It was cool I got a Chinese mask thing which you can hang on a wall or door. There were also awards for the best acting in the class performances. For our class the award went to Megan. = )
I wanted to get photos with both of my Laoshi. But I was only able to get a photo with one. = ( Yea… the Laoshi here were a lot better than the ones in
The staff here are really nice as well. Like they actually care. They took care of you!!! Really! Like… ok… I was getting frustrated with my Chinese and on Thursday in class.. well I kinda randomly fell a part. I do not know why. Nothing was sinking in, things I knew I forgot. I was really flustered. Wang Laoshi was teaching that day, and she could sense I was bu gaoxing (Not happy). She asked whether I was uncomfortable… but I couldn’t answer her because… well yea… Anywho… I didn’t return after the break. I asked Megan to explain to Wang Laoshi that I was just concerned about the exam and that it was not her. I kinda had a feeling she thought I was angry with her. >.<
Anyways… this Monday I missed class because I was feeling down. But I had a “one on one” class and instead of getting a random teacher to talk about random things to, I was directed to Wang Laoshi, who went through the lesson that I had missed. It was really good. She asked me about the Thursday and whether I was ok. And I said to her… “dui bu qi… mei guan xi, wo shi mafan.” (sorry, don’t worry, I was being difficult) I thought it was the best way to say it especially since “mafan” (troublesome) was a new word which she had taught me just then!
Anyways… after the graduation ceremony we all went to a farewell lunch. But Both of my Laoshi did not turn up. I was quite… well cut. HAHAHA. I wanted to talk to them and say thank you and all that jazz. So afterwards I asked the other Laoshi for their emails, but they didn’t know. Instead they gave me their mobile numbers… siiiick = ) I got my Chinese hanzi on, and messaged them = ). It was cool! Really really cool… but I was mega exhausted trying to figure out, the grammar, the words and then what characters to use hahhaa… reading them was pretty alright.
Anyways… I better go… been writing this thing for ages and Its already 6.48… need to finish packing…need to rest before tonight…
Wo aiiiiiii Zhongguooooo!!!!Labels: Beijing, China, China Gang, Chinese, Clubbing, Food, Friendship, Shopping, Sport, Technology, Travel