My Body hates me! Last week my health was baaaad! Because on Monday I hate something and afterwards I had a stomach ache, so all of last week I was not happy, but I still went to work.
LOL my attempts at Chinese. help.
But yes. Last week was terrible. I had serious case of food poisoning that did not go away. I toughed it out though. I went to work because I knew we had quite a lot to do for our discovery and it was due really soon. But the whole time, I felt like shit, and I felt really unproductive and sad at work, and last week was the mother of stressful weeks. I was sick, had Chinese class at Tafe on Tuesday and Thursday night, and I had article applications due on the Friday which I had not started due to being super busy. It was a terrible week.
What did I eat? well I thought it was some bad Thai chili that I added to my food for lunch and dinner coz i LOVE hot food. But after living with the food poisoning for a whole week, on Friday I made an appointment at work to see a Dr. at 9.30am in the city. (Some random dooude). I told him my current situation, and he said that it appears to be some bacterial infection, to which antibiotics could cure. He then asked me whether I was allergic to anything... I said... "hrmMm Yes... Flagyl I think..." I went on to explain that I when I took Flagyl I could not eat, everything tasted like metal (even my saliva! (which was horrible!!! couldn't drink water.. nothing) He kinda went "HrmM" and then said "Well here's Fasigyn, it is related to Flagyl, but it is not the same. It should be alright as you are only taking it once off."
He told me my stomach would be better by the next day. So I took it (all four pills in one shot, as instructed) Hopefully I would be able to go out to dinner and Ktv with Will and his work mates. Hours later... MEGA FAIL! I started going weird at work. I felt soo out of it. Stressed about the job at hand, but feeling shit. My mouth started drying up, and having the weird metallic taste... Was not a happy camper. So I piked on Dinner and Ktv with Will to rest.
Saturday. Woke up feeling better.
stomach? - FINE!
Overall feeling - SHE'S BACK!
So I spent the beautiful day with Will were we went to Hillarys and I was able to eat half a steak burger.(FOOOOOD!) And then we went for the movies to finally see the Black Knight - Batman. Heath Ledger, has definitely outdone himself, and on an inspirational note, a great final piece of work to be remembered by.
That night, went out for Ktv with the netball crew, and then metros for the rest of the night. Lots of fun! Those cool fantabolous people who I saw there included: Myself, Jules, Eloise, Dez, Darren (part of the netball crew) Shaz, Jon, Clem, Gal, Farhan, Kim, Megan, Lincoln, Kev, Ben, Jesi, Penny and Trinh. Those that I heard where there, but did not see... Yorms, Hanif and Vanni.
The night was huge. But too huge for me. It has definitely been a beautiful love/hate relationship between myself and Metros for the past few months, but this Sat was the last. I hate crowds. People step on me, and bump into me, and I can never find friends if lost. Friggin annoying. No dance space. no movement space. Try to order a round of drinks? - (Squashed frogs was the drink of the night for me) - bar chic says "not enough shot glasses!"

Sunday.. woke up... and mega allergic reaction to the antibiotics had taken phase 2!!! Now still recovering from it... >_<