I must admit, I am one tired monkey.
Lets go through the paces.
Law Ball - Friday 10 August 2007
Whatta night. I have heard many things about the law ball.
That it is the hugest event that is organised by Blackstone,
That it is one huge ass piss up,
That you pay a hefty $90 bucks and not remember parts of the night.
All of which I found out, were not rumors based on fiction!
The theme was "Forbidden City" which was enthusiastically carried out by the ball committee, because when you entered into the Grand Ballroom at the Hyatt, the place was decked out red red red red! Guests were welcomed by the drumming of the Chung-Wah Lion Dancing troupe and once everyone was seated, the night started off with a Lion Dance.
The food was so-so (that IS probably because I was not in the frame of mind to savor the tastes) but the alcohol provided... well... lets just say, I definitely would have gotten my $90 bucks worth if I could drink that much - red is my best friend!
Music was good, the company was good... Boogied on down half of the night, and then just sat down and mingled.
Post- Ball
Buses were organised for people to go to the Manor in Leederville. I did not follow the masses as I was already quite the drunken lil monkey. So Will picked me up from Hyatt to head off to the Deen to meet up with Christina. LOL Unfortunately we were not fortunate to catch her, but I did end up meeting Dean who had on a whim came to the Deen to find us, even though his phone battery had died... Brave... very brave.
He then brought Will and I to Black Bettys (A first time experience for Will) and we pretty much hung there till about 2am where I was able to sober up for the ride home. Congrats to Deano who is starting copper school!!! YAY-ness = D "Flip it outtttttt!!!!"
At Black Bettys
Belated Anniversary - Saturday 11 August 2007
After a very very late morning... (11am) Will and I got ready for lunch at the Witches Cauldron. Lets just say... it was one YUMMO lunch! It was good to go out just the two of us and enjoy really good food. It has been a while = P
We were taken to the booths in the middle part of the restaurant (yea... its a pretty big restaurant, its deeper than you think from looking on the outside). We were seated and given the menus. After umming and ahhing for a while we made our decision. Will was to have the Dhufish and I was to have the smoked Salmon Caesar Salad. For the entree we decided on the famous garlic prawns... Yuuuummmmyyy!
Hoorah! we have finally celebrated our 4 years!
Quiz Night
Will and I then went to South Perth to participate in a Quiz Night! WOW haven't been to one in ages! It was really really fun, questions were interesting and challenging at the same time and we all studiously prepared Amy's costume for the fashion parade competition. With little materials that we were provided, I must say we did a fine job!
A special mention must be made out to Drew, who's tailoring skills resulted in Amy's dress. (Yes, he "sewed" the paper together with streamers...)
A special mention must be made out to Drew, who's tailoring skills resulted in Amy's dress. (Yes, he "sewed" the paper together with streamers...)
Labels: Friendship, Fun, Law, Love, Party, University, Will